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San Diego County, CA | November 2, 2010 Election |
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Letter Sent to Friends and Neighbors on behalf of Teresa "Terry" ThomasBy Teresa "Terry" ThomasCandidate for Director; South Bay Irrigation District; Division 4 |
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Letter sent to South Bay Irrigation District, Division 4 to support the Candidacy of Prof. Terry Thomas. We appreciate your help and support. Friends to Elect Terry Thomas, P.O.Box 3635, Chula Vista, CA 91909-3635. ID # 1290534Dear Friends and Neighbors, We all need a healthy, reliable, affordable and secure water supply. It is one of the most important resources upon which we all depend for our quality of life, public health, natural resources, economic progress and children and other loved ones' future. It is directly connected to our life, our work, and our play. For these reasons, I ask your support at the November 2, 2010 polls and endorsement of my candidacy for the Division 4 Director position on the South Bay Irrigation District, a part of Sweetwater Authority. The division maps are located on the Sweetwater Authority website As a 29 year resident of Chula Vista and professor emeritus of microbiology and environmental biology at Southwestern College with high service and leadership in various workforce, environmental and public health, economic development and international trade, humanitarian and social service, Sister cities and other global outreach efforts and successful programs, I have a track record and promise to continue to represent you with integrity, respect, due diligence, dedication, scholarship, experience, and fiscal responsibility. Here are a few of my Accomplishments and activities on your behalf in the past three plus years: "« Service on your behalf at SBID/Sweetwater Authority "« Served as President of the South Bay Irrigation District during 2009 and re-elected for 2010. "« Served on Sweetwater Authority Operations Committee for the past 4 year term and Chairperson for the past two years. I'm dedicated to a Mission of Reliable, Healthy, and Affordable Water Supply for our Community. "« Serve as the voting delegate for Sweetwater Authority (SWA) to the statewide Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) annual & regional meetings. "« Serve on the local community college regional Project WaterWorks technology education Advisory Board for consortium of Cuyamaca, Imperial, and Palomar Colleges for water jobs, educational program and staff development. "« Supported Sweetwater Authority achievement of a collaborative purchase agreement with 9 water partners and Poseidon Ocean Desalination Plant in Carlsbad. Agreement was made with no financial risk to our SWA rate-payers. Through this process, the availability of water to our San Diego County region via ocean desalination has come closer to reality with a target date of 2014. "« Sweetwater Authority was 2007 Winner of the California ACWA Theodore Roosevelt Environmental Excellence Award for burrowing owl condo project. "« Sweetwater Authority was SCIENCE EDUCATION ALLIANCE Community Corporate Partner Award 2010 "« Reappointed to serve on the Association of California Water Agencies Water Quality Committee for a second two-year term through 2011. "« Member of Clean Water Subcommittee & Contaminants of Emerging Concern Working Group. "« Supported expansion of the Richard Reynolds Groundwater Desalination Plant to double production output to about 26% of our SWA total water supply. "« Supported highly successful replacement plan to upgrade aging infrastructure pipe or inferior valves in order to significantly reduce waste of water by leakage and also by unfortunate mysterious losses faced by other local & state agencies. My extensive and successful background as a scientist, community volunteer and activist, member of the General Plan Update steering committee, Resource Conservation Commission, International Friendship Commission, and Ethics Commission, Chamber of Commerce, advocate for regional, global, and local workforce partnerships, educator, professional leader and team partner, better preparesd me to meet the challenges and the opportunities that we encounter now and in the future. I will continue to work for our region's economic, workforce and educational progress, public and environmental health, and quality of life. I hope that you will support me with your vote at the polls and, if possible, with a donation on behalf of my candidacy, as well as phone calls or notes to your friends and neighbors. I am amazed at how expensive it is to run for an office to represent and work for the benefit of others and our Chula Vista and South Bay community. Whatever support you may provide is very much appreciated and I will continue honor your vote of confidence in my public service. Thank you so much. Sincerely yours, Terry Thomas (619) 427-3181 Teresa "Terry" Thomas + Microbiologist, Educator, Scientist |
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