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Randall G. "Randy" Weissbuch, MD
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The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).Questions & Answers
1. In this time of high unemployment, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy?
End the Fed. Get rid of all agencies which regulate or otherwise meddle in business. Get rid of all regulations which hamper business success. Get rid of Crony Capitalism--the government should not subsidize business, help some (usually large) businesses with tax breaks, or otherwise pass laws which help their business friends (the one's who give large donations or in essence bribe congress critters and bureaucrats). This country became wealthy because of business freedom; if not restored, this country will eventually become impoverished.2. How should federal budget priorities be changed, now and into the future? How will you balance the costs of military action overseas and national security with the costs of domestic needs?
Immediately end the immoral, illegal, and unnecessary wars which government loves to use to alarm and control our people. Our military meddling causes the creation of new terrorists. Close all military bases which are not on U.S. soil. Maintain a strong military in our country (not to be used against our citizens) and on the seas. Get rid of the Dept. of Homeland Security and the TSA; they are a joke; they violate our Constitutional rights and do not provide significant security. If planes were allowed to continue flying and terrorists destroyed one commercial jet every day, the death rate would equal the death rate from car accidents. Let any legal owner of a gun carry it aboard aircraft (as it was up until the late 60's). Give me my freedom; I'll take my chances with terrorists.3. What, if anything, should be done by the federal government to address our dependence on fossil fuels or spur the use of clean energy?
Every ten years or so, we are told that we are running out of fossil fuel. Ten years later the amount of known energy reserves doubles or triples. In 1976 a majority of scientists and other "authorities" agreed that a terrible ice age was coming, and the people should be very afraid. Now, a majority of scientists (while suppressing evidence to the contrary) agree that we are in for a hot spell. Many of the "authorities" (Al Gore) are making and will continue making a lot of money from government supported actions to counter the process. Follow the money and you end up very skeptical. CO2 is a normal component of our atmosphere and is necessary for plant growth. I do not think of it as a pollutant.4. What, if any, changes should be made to current federal policies or programs that promote or provide health coverage for Americans.
The financial crisis in health care is due to the passage of Medicare,Medicaid, and now the new government takeover (ObamaKare) of all health care (on the demand side) as well as occupation licensure (on the supply side). The solution is a total free market in health care. All government health programs should be repealed along with occupational licensure. There should be a total separation of health and the state. In spite of the tax burden on the American people, charitable giving is remarkable in this country. Along with the Libertarian plans for less government, the tax burden will be markedly reduced. People will have greater wealth and give even more to charities--charities which will help those who truly need help, including medical care.5. What, if any, changes should be made to federal rules on campaign financing or disclosure of political expenditures?
The government should not be involved. The media (conservative, liberal-progressive-socialist, authoritarian, and libertarian) will follow the money trails and report to the people about where campaign money is coming from. Government involvement violates free speech rights.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League. Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League. No candidate may refer to another candidate in the response.Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 7, 2010 14:02
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The League of Women Voters neither supports nor opposes candidates for public office or political parties.