The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of New York State and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Campaign Finance,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What measures do you support to save existing jobs and create new jobs in New York State?
Answer from Andrew C. Russo:
It's all about taxes! In order to help businesses create and preserve jobs, we must first address New York State's sky high taxes. Our tax structure is forcing people out of their homes, forcing people out of our state and standing in the way of securing a better future for our children.
We must tackle how much it costs to do business in New York through a three-step process: 1) Enacting a moratorium on all new regulations and fees, 2) Conducting a cost-benefit analysis on the existing regulatory structure, and 3) Eliminating the least effective and costliest regulations as soon as possible. In some industries, the cost of complying with a never-ending web of state regulations is more damaging than the tax burden they already face. By making New York business-friendly once again, productive people will move into rather than out of our state.
2. How do you think New York can best deal with upcoming unsustainable deficit budgets?
Answer from Andrew C. Russo:
We need to intelligently and compassionately cut spending in the areas that are spiraling out of control. The first area we need to focus on is our Medicaid system. Thoughtful reform of this system could result in billions of dollars of recurring savings moving forward and help us resolve a large part of the difference between what our State is spending and what our State is taking in. Structural Budget Reform starts with Medicaid Reform.
3. What reforms would you propose to address inadequate campaign finance rules and enforcement in New York?
Answer from Andrew C. Russo:
This is an issue that must be addressed on both sides of the aisle. Albany's policies, especially the practices of controlling our economy through annually renewable tax credits and tying public funding to Project Labor AGreements, create the pay-to-play culture which has destoryed our state and local economy. Big unions and large corporations currently enjoy an equal and unfetterd playing field in the political funding arena. Both sides must be brought to the table to make equal concessions if we are ever to make any progress on this issue.
4. What reforms would you support for the redistricting process?
Answer from Andrew C. Russo:
I support the idea of creating a data driven process with independent figures interpreting the data and forming districts based on economic factors and population trends. I do, however, believe that elected officials need to be held accountable for the results of this process, whether by requiring a vote of the legislature to approve of the results or by some other method.
5. Would you support a cap on property taxes and, if so, how do you think school districts can deal with the decrease in revenue?
Answer from Andrew C. Russo:
I do feel that New York State needs a property tax cap in order to protect our taxpayers, who have been abused for too long by the promises that professional politicans make. Passing a cap will create pressure for the state legislature to reform the Wick's Law and to allow school districts to form cooperatives to purchase goods and services. Pension Reform, which would responsibly ease our State Pension Fund towards actual solvency, also must be addressed in the 2011-12 session and would relieve some of the cost burden on school districts and the taxpayers that support them.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.