The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of New York State and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Climate Change,
Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What changes to our current immigration policy do you support?
Answer from Theodore Danz:
1. We must enforce workplace and immigration laws. If we respect and defend our laws, we can reduce the economic incentives that foster illegal immigration. The federal government needs to collaborate with, not fight with, state and local authorities to uphold existing immigration laws. 2. We must safeguard our borders by increasing border agents, employing a greater number of unmanned aerial systems, and increasing the infrastructure on our border with Mexico to make illegal entry into the United States less attractive than legal avenues. 3. We need to reform visa, immigration, and citizenship services. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services needs to be overhauled to be more efficient and more effective in providing immigration services. 4. We need to strengthen citizenship. Support needs to be implemented for programs that promote civics, history and English language proficiency.
Answer from Paul Tonko:
There are many. I believe we must address our borders in a way that will enhance homeland security while reducing the potential for border violence, which is why I cosponsored H.R. 1867, the Border Violence Prevention Act. We also need to address enormous visa backlogs and the associated delays that have crippled our legal immigration system. In the meantime, we need to make sure that our immigration policy does not contribute further to senseless discrimination and second-class citizenship. Though I strongly support these various measures, I firmly believe that we need a comprehensive fix to our broken system. I am a cosponsor of H.R. 4321, an effort at such a comprehensive fix that includes vital components such as increased border security, visa reforms and a rigorous path to legalization. Ours is a country of immigrants. Instead of shying away from our current problem and playing politics with the issue, we need to be thoughtful, receptive and vigilant in our approach.
2. What legislation do you support to reduce CO2 emissions?
Answer from Theodore Danz:
I will support legislation that offers businesses tax incentives to provide the much needed capitol to reinvest in more environmentally friendly manufacturing, as well as greener work environments that utilize green materials, use less energy, and leave smaller carbon footprints.
Answer from Paul Tonko:
Creating a clean energy economy that creates jobs, increases our energy security and reduces carbon emissions is one of my top priorities in Congress. That is why I support H.R. 2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act. Working on behalf of the New York delegation, I was able to work with Chairman Waxman and Markey to include language which allows states like New York to have the flexibility to be in control of its own compliance. This flexibility is vital if New York is to continue its progress in renewable energy and energy efficient programs. I also have authored legislation that will improve gas turbine and wind turbine efficiency, provide an incentive for the capture of waste heat and turning it into electricity, as well as furthering the technology that aides combined heat and power units. Just as we did in the Space Race decades ago, we need to fully commit to the global race on clean energy. In so doing, we can rebuild our economy and create jobs.
3. What timetable would you support for the removal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan?
Answer from Paul Tonko:
I believe we must do everything we can to bring our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan at the quickest possible pace. The brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces have served admirably and improved the security situation in Iraq. It is now time for the Iraqi government to assume responsibility for its territory and citizens and for America to shift our valuable resources to more fundamental national security priorities and the very real challenges facing Americans here at home. I agree with General Petreaus and the President that we need a responsible draw down of troops in Afghanistan. In the coming year, my district will pay an estimated $468 million in taxes to support both wars. That same amount could ensure that 50,000 veterans in Upstate New York receive quality medical care; or it could power each home in my district on clean energy. Instead, billions are being spent to win the hearts and minds of Afghans while civilian casualty rates rise by 30 percent.
Answer from Theodore Danz:
We need to make sure that the mission remains an international effort. It is critical that the Taliban does not reclaim Afghanistan. Also it is important that we support Pakistan in fighting terrorism, but we also need to make it clear that the U.S. will not tolerate dual policies toward terrorists. Once those goals have been achieved, we can begin to draw down our troops.
4. Do you support substantial additional federal funding for economic recovery?
Answer from Paul Tonko:
I am committed to continuing to fight for legislation that will boost manufacturing, increase American competitiveness globally and create new jobs, right here in our community, instead of promoting tax loopholes that ship jobs overseas. I support federal funding for job training, STEM education, infrastructure investments, investments in research and development programs and retrofitting our homes and business to be more energy efficient. I believe in this time of economic crisis, that the federal government must look at all the possible ways to spur our economy, including additional federal funding for programs that will help rebuild America. As the true engines of economic growth, I support investments in small businesses, to take innovative ideas and prototypes from the testing stage to commercialization, which will lead to job creation and long term business growth. Leveraging public and private investments can stretch our tax dollars to their full effect.
Answer from Theodore Danz:
History shows us that the periods of greatest economic growth and private innovation occur during and directly after periods of low taxes, low inflation, de-regulation and minimal federal involvement in the economy. I will introduce, support, and fight for legislation that will lower taxes for small businesses, creating incentives that will attract more businesses and employers to our area, and create real long lasting jobs and careers. Periods of lowered taxes have produced INCREASED revenue for government due to increased economic activity. Conversely, periods of higher taxes stifle economic activity and lead to lower government revenues and decreased opportunities for individuals and businesses. Responsible levels of taxation by the federal (and state) governments have driven economic benefits including higher disposable income for individuals that can be used to reduce personal debt, pursue housing improvement or increase savings and investment back into the economy.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.