The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of New York State and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Climate Change,
Wars in Iraq/Afghanistan,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What changes to our current immigration policy do you support?
Answer from Randy A. Credico:
I support 100 percent amnesty for all undocumented workers and their families. I believe that the wall on the Mexican Arizona border should be torn down immediately. I am for open borders.
Answer from Jay Townsend:
I would support an immigration reform bill that prohibits amnesty, enhances border security, requires that immigration laws be enforced at the border and in the workplace, and creates a workable guest worker program.
Answer from Charles E. Schumer:
I support further securing our borders; prohibiting hiring of undocumented immigrants by requiring job applicants to present a secure Social Security card; creating jobs by attracting the world's best and brightest to America, and keeping them here; requiring undocumented immigrants to register with the government, pay taxes, and earn legal status or face deportation.
Answer from Colia Clark:
I support a change to our immigration policy that would provide a fair and realistic pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrants living here. I also support the DREAM Act provisions which enable states to extend in-state tuition rates to undocumented students seeking a higher education.
2. What legislation do you support to reduce CO2 emissions?
Answer from Charles E. Schumer:
I support the Clean American Jobs and American Power Act, a bill that will reduce carbon pollution by 17 percent in 2020 and by over 80 percent in 2050. I will continue to work towards passage of this critical piece of legislation.
Answer from Jay Townsend:
Building more nuclear power plants.
Answer from Colia Clark:
The imposition of a carbon tax is the best way to reduce domestic C02 emissions. Therefore, I support the Larson Bill of 2009. The legislation imposes a progressively rising tax on CO2 emitters and carbon-intensive imports, while also providing tax credits for clean tech R&D and investments.
Answer from Randy A. Credico:
Growing up in the Pomona valley in southern California I physically was tortured by CO2 sparked pollution for most of my childhood life. I and my family were victims of mostly auto generated smog. The 2009 light duty vehicle legislation is a minimum standard I would support.
3. What timetable would you support for the removal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan?
Answer from Jay Townsend:
I will answer that question after hearing testimony from the head of our forces in Iraq and General Petraeus.
Answer from Charles E. Schumer:
I was one of 18 Senators to vote to direct the President to establish a timetable for the redeployment of U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Additionally, I supported the Administration's decision to end the U.S. combat mission in Iraq on August 31, and the accompanying reduction in the U.S. troop levels to 50,000; I look forward to a full withdraw by next year.
Answer from Randy A. Credico:
I did not support nor do support the wars in either country. They are not wars, they are annexations. It is all about the oil and mineral wealth. Neither country invaded the US. We have killed 100,000s of innocent civilians and innocent soldiers. We have sacrificed 1000s of Americans...
Answer from Colia Clark:
I support the withdrawal of all troops and ground personal from Iraq by January 31, 2011. I support the phases withdrawal of all troops and ground personnel from Afghanistan beginning March, 2011 and to be completed by September 1, 2011.
4. Do you support substantial additional federal funding for economic recovery?
Answer from Colia Clark:
Yes, I support substantial additional federal funding for economic recovery. However, the funding methodology must observe a bottom-up approach that put the people first. The supply-side-economics-approach of Bush, Obama and Schumer have failed the people and are to blame for the rising public displeasure with government.
Answer from Jay Townsend:
No. Bureaucrats do not know how to create jobs. I would instead vote to repeal the health care bill, extend the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 and encourage Albany legislators to cap property taxes. The private sector will respond by creating jobs.
Answer from Randy A. Credico:
Not for the banks and Wall Street or the military industrial complex. The Tarp money should have gone to workers behind in their credit card debt and mortgage debt. We need to rebuild the infrastructure. 50 billion is not enough. We should have spent the bailout money to rebuild the infrastructure...
Answer from Charles E. Schumer:
I believe that the quickest way to get our nation back on the path to prosperity is to make significant investments in our nation's education and infrastructure. We must help the middle class stretch their paychecks and foster the dynamic economic environment that will put Americans back to work. America is losing out on both fronts to other countries like China and India, and it is hurting opportunities to grow personal wealth, help small business prosper, expand the middle class and create jobs in our nation. A good example of this is my college tuition tax cut, which provides a $2,500 tax cut to middle class families with a child in college.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are not edited or corrected by the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.