Our constituents are the students of PUSD, yet how often do we listen to them? How often do we consult them, when attempting to understand their needs and their circumstances?
Student Council
PUSD must initiate the formation of a student council. In this time of economic challenge, we are charged with using our resources to maximum efficiency - and that efficient use must be of optimal benefit to our students. Our constituents are the students of PUSD, yet how often do we listen to them? How often do we consult them, when attempting to understand their needs and their circumstances? Many students "disconnect" from middle school and high school - we lose _% of students between 5th grade and middle school. Currently, we do have student board members; the expectation seems to be that they will discuss student dances, athletic and academic accomplishments, and leave the meeting before the real business of the Board is undertaken. I believe a student council will provide the Board with meaningful input on issues that affect student engagement, achievement, and participation. Let's ask our students what their interests are, and then determine how to engage them in those interests.