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Leo A. W. Wiegman is founder of E to the fourth Strategic Communications, a firm dedicated to helping environmental organizations get their story out to the public. The firm works in many media from books to digital content. Leo is co-author with David Blockstein of The Climate Solutions Consensus (Island Press, 2010), and writer/editor of Heirlooms to live in (ORO Publishers, 2010), a book on residential architecture. Leo is a contributing editor to State and Local Energy Report (, a national magazine focused on energy policy for states and communities, the Solutions Journal, and the Encyclopedia of Earth ( Before being elected Mayor of the Village of Croton-on-Hudson in 2009, Leo served six years as a Village Trustee. Leo is co-founder and current Vice Chair of the Northern Westchester Energy Action Consortium (, comprising 14 municipalities with 230,000 residents. Leo serves on the Board of Trustees for Teatown Lake Reservation (, and has lived in Croton since 1994 with his family. Prior to launching E to the Fourth, Leo was a book publisher and editor for almost 3 decades. Leo holds a BA from Tufts University.