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Alameda County, CA November 8, 2011 Election
Smart Voter Political Philosophy for Laureen Turner

Candidate for
Council Member; City of Livermore

This information is provided by the candidate

The decision to run was difficult to me. I was elected to LARPD just last November. However, in my time serving LARPD, it has become evident that we need a change in city politics.

We have a world class recreation and park system. We have a thriving downtown. We have an eclectic population rich in tradition and history and blended with new technology.

Livermore is rapidly becoming a wonderful sustainable community where residents can live, play, and work in their own community. I want to continue to support that vision.

I am concerned about the priorities of our current city council. I appreciate the benefit of experience, however, feel at this juncture it is time to bring in a fresh set of eyes and fresh viewpoints.

I believe that our current city council has lost sight of what the majority of our citizens want from their town and I want to be the person to put that in to place.

I have been told by a current council member "the citizens are uninformed, they do not understand".

My answer to this is simple. Listen to the citizens. It is their town. I am prepared to listen and then do what I can to make it happen!

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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 21, 2011 10:58
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