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Marin County, CA | November 8, 2011 Election |
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Overview of Bob's positionBy Bob RavasioCandidate for Council Member; Town of Corte Madera |
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The basics -- Bob's candidate statement including his qualifications and priorities if elected.The first thing you should know about me is that I love living in Corte Madera. My wife and I raised our three daughters here, after relocating from the Midwest twenty one years ago. I grew up in Pennsylvania. My dad worked for US Steel, as did I when in college. I developed such a strong sense of thrift and savings that my wife is threatening to write a book called "How to get what you want out of your tight-fisted husband." So it's understandable that I became concerned about the Town's financial situation in 2007 in light of the controversial purchase of the Park Madera shopping center. I was approached by concerned community leaders who were looking for more responsive and responsible leadership. I was appointed, along with Alexandra Cock, just as the 2008 Recession hit. Corte Madera's sales tax revenues were immediately and severely hit. Yet with the help of council and staff, - We reduced operating budget 10.4%, reduced employee count 13.3%, and balanced the budget this year, and made service cuts largely invisible to the public. - We significantly reduced the operating loss on the Park Madera Center, by bringing in a new property management firm, and recruiting important new tenants. - We remodeled the Rec Center patio and interior in partnership with the Corte Madera Community Foundation, of which I've been a board member for 6 years. - I `ve been a vocal supporter of our public schools. - I have four goals moving forward: 1. To pay off the deficit and build an adequate, 10% reserve fund by Fiscal 2016. That's the level cited in the Grand Jury report about Corte Madera's finances, and what our Town treasurer recommends. 2. To work closely with our public Schools. I support measures A & B. 3. To ensure that public safety continues to stay strong by exploring ways to share services with other jurisdictions. I support Measure C to keep emergency services strong. 4. To support sustainable community endeavors such as improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and a community garden. To make sure the improved relations with the community, and our new, more open meeting philosphy continues. All local governments will be facing tough challenges in the years ahead. Corte Madera needs responsive leaders if we hope to preserve our excellent community and quality of life. Corte Madera is a small town. It's a place where everyone knows everyone else. And that's an incredibly rare and valuable thing in America in 2011. People here care, about the Town, about their neighbors, about their schools. The best thing about running for re-election has been how encouraging and grateful people in Corte Madera are. They are very appreciative, and it has made every day of this campaign better than the last. The four years I've spent on the council have been energizing, exciting and incredibly rewarding. We've accomplished a great deal. The Town is on the right financial track, our infrastructure is in good shape, and the path forward is clear. But there is more to be done. All local governments will face great challenges in the years ahead. We need responsible, responsive leaders who can preserve and protect our excellent quality of life! Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I hope that I have your vote on November 8. |
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