The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Basic Services,
Clean Air
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office?
Answer from Steve Thornbury:
In my two terms on Norwood City Council I have consistently demonstrated my commitment to our city and its people through the legislation I have helped shape and the key committees on which I have served, including Finance and Claims Committee, Community Development Committee, Parks and Recreation Committee and Streets and Infrastructure Committee. As a current member of the Finance and Claims Committee I have helped navigate the City of Norwood through our current budget shortfalls by emphasizing constraint, constructive discussion and fairness through shared sacrifice.
My interest in improving the lives of all Norwood residents has driven my involvement in local organizations including Norwood Community Television, the Norwood Historical Society, the Norwood Fireworks Committee and as the current chair of the executive committee of the Norwood Service League, the social service agency that has served the less fortunate among us for nearly a century.
2. What services do you believe should be considered basic and essential for the City?
Answer from Steve Thornbury:
Basic safety services including police, fire and emergency medical services including 911 service. Basic services provided by the City's Health Department including permits and inspections, disease monitoring, vaccinations, in-home visiting nurses for those unable to arrange for or pay for such care, public education on health issues, emergency response to health crisis. The basic services of the City's Building Department including building permits and inspections, oversight of zoning compliance by businesses, conditions at multi-family and single-family dwellings.
The basic services of the Treasurer's and Auditor's offices including the tracking of the City's expenditures, the development of the City's tax budget, compliance with proper and legal bookeeping practices, the collection of taxes and the payment of financial obligations such as payroll and accounts payable. The basic services provided by Public Works including maintenance of our City's infrastructure, the removal of snow and ice from the streets, enforcement of citations for keeping derelict yards trimmed and clearing debris on public property after storms.
The basic services provided by City Council to consider legislation, determine appropriations and answer questions and concerns from residents.
Basic services of a development office to attract appropriate businesses to Norwood and assure a strong revenue base that can pay for all of the above basic services.
3. How would you balance the City Budget?
Answer from Steve Thornbury:
1. Push the Administration work harder to secure existing revenue-generating businesses that are already located in Norwood as well while working harder - and smarter - to attract new business.
2. Work to alter the City's approach to generating revenue to more closely align the taxes collected to the services provided. It's my belief that, even this era of skepticism over taxes and government, the more citizens understand the benefits we receive from our tax dollars and the positive role the various City departments play in our everyday lives, the more willing we will be to contribute to the common good.
4. What actions will you take to support clean air?
Answer from Steve Thornbury:
While local municipalities can do little to have significant impact on the region's overall air quality, I would have the City use whatever influence it can in the way of incentives to encourage local businesses to retrofit existing structures and design new structures to qualify for LEED certification. Such action will help advance the incremental changes needed to affect long-term reductions in energy consumption and, thus, improve local air quality through reduced dependence on energy sources that contribute harmful pollutants to our atmosphere.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits may apply. See individual questions for specific word limits. Direct references to opponents are not permitted. Please edit your work before submitting. We are unable to provide spell-check at this time.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.