The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Student test results,
Building Consensus,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office?
Answer from Anita E. Ruffin:
My qualifications are as follows:
- I have served two years on the school board
- I have demonstrated my dedication to learning through my own educational attainments and by pursuing professional development opportunities inside and outside the district including those sponsored by Ohio School Boards Association.
- I am a shareholder the District as a parent of two daughters who are 6th Graders in the District.
Answer from Jay Ahlrichs:
Two years as a Board Member for Finneytown.
Blue Ribbon Finance Committee Member
Personnel Committee Member
Facilities Committee Member
10+ years as a Sales Manager and Manager responsible for evaluating the performance of individuals and organizations.
2. What would you do to advance the concept of "equity in education" in your district?
Answer from Anita E. Ruffin:
Equity refers to impartiality and justness. "Equity in education" infers that all children are being provided the opportunity to learn without barriers and bias based on race, gender, social standing or any other identifier. I would advance this concept by insuring that the vision, the policies and the decisions of the District are aligned to achieve educational equity and by being open to learning from the best practices of other districts as well as being open to opportunities for learning provided by different methods of delivery that is inclusive of various learning styles.
Answer from Jay Ahlrichs:
Continue supporting the efforts of the Superintendent and adminitstration in acquiring the best teachers.
Focus on creative private funding opportunities to support needs of the district.
3. How would you use your students' state test results to improve education in your district?
Answer from Jay Ahlrichs:
The data collected should be used to evaluate performance of teachers and students to acknowledge the successes and identify the areas where additional training is needed.
Answer from Anita E. Ruffin:
Currently, the test results and the data surrounding the results are mined to determine the District's areas of strength and challenge. Strengths are shored up and enhanced. Areas of challenge are looked at to see what programs and/or services can be implemented to improve deficient areas. I will continue to work to understand state and federal requirements and to insure that the District is in compliance.
4. What will you do to build consensus in the community in support of public schools?
Answer from Anita E. Ruffin:
I will work to build consensus through listening, sharing and learning via whatever platform is available. I think that consensus is built through collaboration. True collaboration occurs when stakeholders contributes their part to the (on-going) conversation resulting in a course of action(s) that achieves the ultimate goal of educating the whole child.
Answer from Jay Ahlrichs:
First, support the philosophy of respect for: students,teachers, admisitrators, and business managers when interacting with the community and each other.
I will attend forums, committee meetings, and answer questions honestly. I will be a steward of the assets of the community.
5. What are your budget priorities?
Answer from Anita E. Ruffin:
The goal of a budget is to insure that spending does not exceed income and that excesses are stewarded in a way that provides a financial base for the future. A budget measures how well one actually did versus who well one expected to do. Accordingly, my priorities are:
▪ Refrain from spending what we do not have
▪ Extend the life of the levy by wisely stewarding
the District's resources and tangible and non-tangible property
Answer from Jay Ahlrichs:
Finneytown had put some key maintenance issues on hold with the past consideration of state funding for new buildings. Now that those options are not realistic we need to address the facility needs of the district.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits may apply. See individual questions for specific word limits. Direct references to opponents are not permitted. Please edit your work before submitting. We are unable to provide spell-check at this time.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.