The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Student test results,
Building Consensus,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office?
Answer from Jill Cole:
I have gained great experience and insight in the past four years of my service as a Member of Sycamore's Board of Education, most recently as Vice President. Additionally, my many years of volunteer leadership in the schools and community, including four years as PTO president in two different Sycamore schools, and three years as president of Montgomery's Kindervelt group, combined with my business experience in real estate, banking, accounting and marketing, have prepared me well to work within a collaborative, team environment such as the Board of Education. My role as a Board member is to represent the people of the Sycamore district as a voice in their public schools. As a well-respected and trusted member of our community I will continue to serve the district well. For more information go to
Answer from Ken Richter:
My success in leading profitable organizations around the world for Avon Products uniquely prepared me to transfer applicable team building approaches to board work for the Sycamore School District. Over the past eight years my expertise has been enhanced by serving as both Vice President and President of the Board.
Answer from Colleen "Colleen Greissinger" Greissinger:
Highly responsible fiscal conservative both personally and professionally. I was successful in my medical career as I changed the mind-set and culture in our group of physicians and then in the community at large in our efforts to rein in health care costs through managed care and quality improvement. I understand the foundation principles of economics as they relate to debt and spending as I helped navigate our church through five years of financial crisis.
I am a voice of reason and common sense who sees reality and is not afraid to confront what stands in the way of just doing the next right thing despite the opposition or fallout. My convictions are based on sound values and priorities that protect those who do not have a voice and educate those who do not yet understand what they need to know when it impacts their lives and the future of their children. I am a strong advocate for justice and fairness.
2. What would you do to advance the concept of "equity in education" in your district?
Answer from Ken Richter:
Sycamore is a diverse community with learners of many backgrounds and abilities. We will continue to recognize each as individual learners with specific strategies to enrich delivery and course content at all levels. Our "Response to Intervention" process will be maintained with continued emphasis on staff collaboration.
Answer from Jill Cole:
One of our district priorities is to "Identify and implement progressive approaches to the educational delivery system that promotes rigor and relevance for all learners." These are words that our teachers and administrators live by - to ensure that all students are prepared for life after Sycamore whether that is in the workplace or through additional education. Additionally, I believe that effective use of technology can create efficient ways to deliver a more customized, individual education plan for our students.
Answer from Colleen "Colleen Greissinger" Greissinger:
The spending in all school districts needs to be brought to a level that is pared with the community wages and benefits. I intend to ensure the full transparency of future plans and all fiscal, curriculum and district philosophy.
I will 'do my homework' and get all the facts and truth for myself and out to the community who deserves the chance to make a difference before it is too late for their input. Unions and politics must begin to exercise less power and control. The children and their education and future is the real priority.
A culture of choice and pro-competition can have only positive results. Changes from the state and Federal levels must be legislated to help turn the tide as our economy struggles to establish a 'new normal' over this decade.
3. How would you use your students' state test results to improve education in your district?
Answer from Colleen "Colleen Greissinger" Greissinger:
I would ask a lot of questions of the administration and get answers. I would look at the results in light of the results statewide. I would look at what works in other parts of the country. I am a believer in free market, pro-competition, and choice for parents and will embrace any forces that drive a new education and not just a better traditional one. I would encourage more "digital friendly" options and remove the cap on charters schools and further enhance their access to facilities. Again, competition and choice driving improvements in attracting and keeping students in the best environment.
Answer from Jill Cole:
We will continue to employ strategies to assist students who require additional support to meet state testing requirements. We continue to be challenged as the bar is raised each year towards the goal that all students will be proficient in math and reading by 2014. However, improving test results is one thing - and we are not limited in that thinking as we strive for the best education possible for our students. By implementing new national and state academic standards, researching best practices from other districts, and cooperating with our local business community we will ensure that our academic programs prepare our students for success after Sycamore and continue our tradition of excellence.
Answer from Ken Richter:
Sycamore was once again ranked as one of the "top ten schools" on the report card. This is the 12th consecutive year of the highest ratings by the state. The entire "Administrative Team" will analyze all data and present trends and action plans at a Board Retreat in October. This was a practice initiated in 2005 and will be continued. It is a great example of how Team Sycamore has continued to excel.
4. What will you do to build consensus in the community in support of public schools?
Answer from Colleen "Colleen Greissinger" Greissinger:
I am not sure that this is the relevant question to ask. I would rather think that we need to build consensus in the community in support of education of our children whether that is done through public, private, charter, home, or however. Parents know their children the best and that choice should be their preference for their own children. The schools are not the parents and there is no "one answer" product for our families. I see no justification to make it a priority to build consensus in support of only public schools. The question is:
How will be begin to come to a consensus and agreement that there is no one right way and that schools and unions are not the best at parenting children.
Answer from Ken Richter:
Over the past eight years we have engaged and connected our community in many ways. (Examples would be our annual "State of Your Sycamore Schools" and an Annual Report.) As a BOE we recognize that "Great Schools Make Great Communities and Great Communities Make Great Schools" and it is our job to respect the investment of our taxpayers.
Answer from Jill Cole:
Families move to Sycamore because of our excellent academics, rich programming and reasonable tax rates. This gives our district a competitive advantage over others, and helps keep all of our housing values strong. We will to continue to serve the wishes of the community, and will build consensus by delivering the quality educational system they desire, by efficiently managing the financial resources that the community has entrusted to us, and by effectively implementing two-way communication strategies to reach all of our shareholders.
5. What are your budget priorities?
Answer from Ken Richter:
The Sycamore Board of Education established financial parameters to our expenditures in 2005. We "cut", we "capped", we "controlled" and established "continuous improvement" into all aspects of our district. Each year we have exceeded our expectations and this process will be continued. Over eight years our average increase in expenditures per year has been .5%.
Answer from Colleen "Colleen Greissinger" Greissinger:
I will endeavor to obtain a State Auditor or private analysis of our school system to have an independent appraisal of all operations in an attempt to find ways to cut costs that will not hurt the children or families in our community. I will ask for every piece of information I need to look at the numbers and ask questions to clarify the picture. I will support legislation like SB5 and other future tools that will help rein in education costs as 85-89% of the budget currently goes to labor costs. I will do everything in my power to end extortion and manipulation of taxpayers by the unions. I will educate Sycamore taxpayers as to the state of the district in ways that are currently not being fully disclosed and give them opportunity for input. The Board needs to come clean and make it clear how taxpayer money is spent. I will begin to attempt to dismantle the bonus called "pick up" that is given to our 26 administrators as a gift every year towards their retirement package.
Answer from Jill Cole:
My priorities are to continue to seek efficient ways to deliver the high-quality Sycamore education that our community expects. The current challenging economic environment makes that process difficult, but at Sycamore we are accustomed to thorough and conservative fiscal planning. In 2004 we committed to a "Contract with the Community" to cap budget increases at no more than 2.5% per year. We have performed better than promised, achieving average annual expense growth of only 1.5% since 2005. We have also extended the "Contract with the Community" to fiscal year 2012. For the current year we have pledged a flat budget. Through close financial monitoring we have changed the culture of Sycamore and that is what allows us to enjoy the financial stability that many of our neighboring districts and government agencies do not.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits may apply. See individual questions for specific word limits. Direct references to opponents are not permitted. Please edit your work before submitting. We are unable to provide spell-check at this time.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.