The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Ohio and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. According to the U.S. Census, median income has declined and the number in poverty has increased. What steps should be taken to strengthen the U.S. economy and address unemployment?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
Protecting and revitalizing American manufacturing is critical to reducing unemployment and preserving the middle-class. That`s why I sponsored and passed a bipartisan bill in the Senate this year that would help protect our manufacturers from unfair Chinese currency manipulation and why I have consistently opposed free trade agreements that help multi-national corporations but destroy middle-class manufacturing jobs in Ohio. We need to redouble our efforts to educate and train Ohioans, and we need to address our nation`s crumbling infrastructure and get Ohioans back to work while strengthening our local communities` critical services like transportation and water.
2. How would you reform the tax code?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
For too long, our tax code has unfairly benefited the wealthiest among us instead of middle-class Ohioans. When Wall Street hedge-fund managers make millions and pay a 15% tax rate but a construction worker in Parma pays a 25% tax rate, something is wrong. I support simplifying the tax code to lessen the burden on middle-class Ohioans and making the tax code fair so that the wealthiest aren`t paying a lower rate than hard-working middle-class Ohioans. Additionally, I have cosponsored and voted for measures to end billions in tax subsidies for huge oil companies at the same time they`ve collected skyrocketing profits over the last few years. Finally, I support changes to the tax code for businesses that keep jobs in Ohio and America rather than giving companies incentives to outsource operations overseas.
3. How would you change Medicare to make it sustainable?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
Medicare is a critically important program that I will continue to fight to preserve. I support allowing the government to negotiate with drug companies under Medicare Part D to significantly reduce the price of prescription drugs for seniors and taxpayers. Currently, the government receives a discount on drugs for Medicaid beneficiaries. Extending this benefit for Medicare beneficiaries who are also eligible for Medicaid would save at least $112 billion over 10 years. I also have pushed to allow faster competition from generic drugs for the complex and expensive biologic drugs that are eating up a bigger and bigger share of Medicare spending. Drastic cuts to Medicare would be devastating to Ohio seniors. We should combat wasted and fraud in the Medicare system, but we must not renege on our promise to seniors by replacing a guaranteed benefit with vouchers and privatizing a system to the benefit of insurance companies.
4. Do you believe it is possible to protect the environment while preserving American jobs? What are examples of how this can be done?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
I reject the false choice between protecting the health of Ohio`s families and expanding job opportunities for the middle-class. Companies all over Ohio are making products to power our future. I have aggressively advocated for tax incentives to create and support green manufacturing in our state. I introduced the SEAM Act (Security in Energy And Manufacturing) to provide tax credits for American companies that invest in energy efficiency. I also am an enthusiastic supporter of the Solar by Soldiers program, which helps train and employ veterans in green energy installation. Finally, I will continue to work with Northern Ohio businesses and universities to help coordinate the research and development of offshore wind energy in Lake Erie.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits apply. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.