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Measure A Parcel tax Santa Clara Unified School District special tax - 2/3 Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Information shown below: Yes/No Meaning | Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Full Text | |||||
To maintain the quality of our local schools and core academic programs in math and science, keep libraries open, attract and retain the best qualified teachers and staff, and to provide up-to-date textbooks and classroom technology, shall the Santa Clara Unified School District levy an annual assessment of $84 a year per parcel for five years only, with exemptions for seniors, and all money staying in our community to benefit local schools?
The Board of Education (Board) of the Santa Clara Unified School District (District) proposes levying a qualified special tax on parcels within the District. The owners of each parcel of taxable real property in the District would annually pay $84 per parcel for a period of five years, with an exemption for any parcel that is a principal residence of, and owned by, one or more persons 65 years of age or older. The exemption would be made available by application to the District. The stated purposes of the tax proposed by Measure A are to: (1) maintain the quality of the District's schools and core academic programs in math and science, (2) keep libraries open, (3) attract and retain the best qualified teachers and staff, and (4) provide up-to-date textbooks and classroom technology. The proceeds of the tax could only be spent for these specific purposes. Under the requirements of Government Code section 50075.1, the District is required to provide accountability measures for money collected by the tax. These measures include depositing the proceeds of the tax into a fund that is separate and apart from other funds of the District. Additionally, an annual written report is to be made to the Board, no later than January 1 of each year while the tax is in effect, detailing the amount of funds collected and expended, and the status of any project authorized to be funded from the tax. In addition, an advisory committee of citizens is to be appointed by the Board to review the proper spending of the tax proceeds, and to report annually to the Board and the public regarding the expenditures of such funds. A "yes" vote is a vote to approve a qualified special tax of $84 per parcel on parcels within the District for a five-year period of time. A "no" vote is a vote not to approve a qualified special tax of $84 per parcel on parcels within the District for a five-year period of time.
Miguel Marquez
Official Information News and Analysis San Jose Mercury News
Arguments For Measure A |
Save our school libraries and core academic instructional programs. Vote YES on Measure A.
Santa Clara Unified Schools must educate our students so they are prepared for the new global economy. For years, the District has delivered on this promise, offering local students a high quality education from kindergarten through high school. Many of our local schools have received academic distinction and have test scores that are competitive across the state. Unfortunately, years of state budget cuts have hurt our local schools. Without Measure A, Santa Clara Unified will this year be forced to close school libraries, reduce course offerings in math, science and technology, lay off high quality teachers and reduce staffing levels that keep our schools clean. Measure A is a modest, thoughtful proposal supported by business leaders, community leaders, teachers and parents. It won't solve all the District's budget problems, but the money raised by this measure will save our school libraries, protect course offerings in math, science and technology, and retain high quality teachers. The cost of Measure A is $7 per month for property owners. Senior citizens may apply for an exemption and the measure is temporary; it lasts just five years. This money cannot be taken away by the State. Every penny stays in our community to benefit Santa Clara Unified schools and children. Palo Alto, Los Altos, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Los Gatos and other nearby communities have local property taxes far greater than Measure A. With these resources, neighboring communities can recruit quality teachers away from our neighborhood schools and offer additional programs that our kids don't have. Good schools prepare our kids for the global future. They also protect local property values and contribute to a strong community. Take a positive step to protect the quality of education in Santa Clara Unified schools. PLEASE, VOTE YES on A.
/s Elise DeYoung
/s Linda S. Pfeifer
/s Kathleen Watanabe
/s Mohammed Nadeem
/s Stephen D. Lodge
(No arguments against Measure A were submitted) |
Full Text of Measure A |
To maintain the quality of our local schools and core academic programs in math and science, keep libraries open, attract and retain the best qualified teachers and staff, and to provide up-to-date textbooks and classroom technology, shall the Santa Clara Unified School District levy an annual assessment of $84 a year per parcel for five years only, with exemptions for seniors, and all money staying in our community to benefit local schools?
Amount and Basis of Tax The parcel tax shall be $84 per Parcel of Taxable Real Property beginning in fiscal year 2012-2013 for a period of five years. The District shall provide the Santa Clara County Tax Collector a report indicating the parcel number and amount of tax for each Parcel of Taxable Real Property "Parcel of Taxable Real Property" is defined as any unit of real property in the District that receives a separate tax bill for ad valorem property taxes from the County Treasurer-Tax Collector's Office. All property that is otherwise exempt from or upon which no ad valorem property taxes are levied in any year shall also be exempt from the special tax in such year. Multiple parcels which are contiguous, under common ownership, and that constitute one economic unit, meaning that they have the same primary purpose as the principal parcel and are not separate and distinct properties that may be independently developed or sold, shall comprise a single Parcel of Taxable Real Property for purposes of the parcel tax. An exemption may be granted on any parcel owned by one or more persons aged 65 years or older who occupies said parcel as a principal residence, upon application for exemption. Claims / Exemption Procedures With respect to all general property tax matters within its jurisdiction, the Santa Clara County Tax Assessor or other appropriate County tax official shall make all final determinations of tax exemption or relief for any reason, and that decision shall be final and binding. With respect to matters specific to the levy of the special tax, including the Senior Citizen Exemption, the decisions of the District shall be final and binding. The procedures described herein, and any additional procedures established by the Board shall be the exclusive claims procedure for claimants seeking an exemption, refund, reduction, or re-computation of the special tax. Whether any particular claim is to be resolved by the District or by the County shall be determined by the District, in coordination with the County as necessary. Appropriations Limit Pursuant to California Constitution article XIIIB and applicable laws, the appropriations limit for the District will be adjusted periodically by the aggregate sum collected by levy of this special tax. Accountability Measures The proceeds of the special tax shall be applied only to the specific purposes identified above. The proceeds of the special tax shall be deposited into a fund, which shall be kept separate and apart from other funds of the District. No later than January 1 of each year while the tax is in effect, the District shall prepare and file with the Board a report detailing the amount of funds collected and expended, and the status of any project authorized to be funded by this measure. In addition, an advisory committee of citizens shall be appointed or designated by the Board to review that the special tax proceeds are spent for their authorized purposes, and to report annually to the Board and the public regarding the expenditure of such funds. Severability The Board hereby declares, and the voters by approving this measure concur, that every section and part of this measure has independent value, and the Board and the voters would have adopted each provision hereof regardless of every other provision hereof. Upon approval of this measure by the voters, should any part of the measure or taxing formula be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, all remaining parts of the measure or taxing formula hereof shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent allowed by law. |