This is an archive of a past election. See for current information. |
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Measure CO School Improvement Funding Charter Oak Unified School District School Bonds - 55% Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Jun 29 2:14pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (26/26) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Tax Rate Statement | Full Text | ||||
To protect quality local schools with funding Sacramento cannot take away, upgrade classrooms/libraries/science labs/computers/technology, improve energy efficiency to save money to retain qualified teachers and protect core academic instruction, improve access for students with disabilities, improve fire/security systems for student safety, and upgrade/construct/acquire school facilities/sites/classrooms/equipment, shall Charter Oak Unified School District issue $47,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent oversight/audits and without increasing current tax rate limits?
Funds received from the sale of the bonds shall be used only for the specific purposes set forth in the Measure, including technology and computer system upgrades throughout the District; upgrading and constructing classrooms and restrooms; upgrading libraries, science labs and computer labs, and providing up-to-date equipment; energy efficiency upgrades and renovations including lighting, roofs, electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems; upgrading and installing security systems including lighting, fencing, fire, gates and security and electrical systems; and modernizing school facilities to improve access. No funds may be used for teacher and administrator salaries or any other school operating expenses. Independent performance and financial audits will be performed annually to ensure that the funds received from the sale of the bonds are expended as specified in the Measure. An independent Citizens' Oversight Committee will be established within 60 days after the Board enters the election results in accordance with Education Code sections 15278, 15280, and 15282. The Board shall cause the creation of an account in which bond proceeds shall be deposited, and the preparation of an annual report which shall state the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in that year, as well as the status of any projects funded or to be funded by the Measure. The bonds issued pursuant to the Education Code shall have a maturity not exceeding twenty five (25) years, and the bonds issued pursuant to the Government Code shall have a maturity not exceeding forty (40) years. The best estimate of the highest tax rate required to fund the bonds, based on the estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing the Tax Rate Statement on the measure, is estimated to be $60.00 annually per $100,000 of the taxable real property located within the District. This Measure requires a fifty-five percent (55%) vote for passage.
News and Analysis
San Gabriel Valley Business Journal
Arguments For Measure CO |
Voting YES on CO maintains quality education in our Charter Oak
schools + without increasing tax rates.
By law, all Measure CO funds must go directly to local schools. Not one penny can be taken by the State or used for other purposes. Charter Oak Unified School District provides a quality education and student test scores have improved each of the last 5 years. State budget cuts threaten our quality schools by forcing teacher layoffs, larger class sizes and deep cuts to instructional programs. Many classrooms, science labs, libraries and school facilities are outdated and need upgrades to meet modern safety, academic and technology standards. Without increasing tax rates, Measure CO provides stable funding that is 100% locally controlled and benefits every school in the district.
Measure CO will:
Mandatory taxpayer protections: We need Measure CO now to secure historically low construction costs and interest rates. The longer we wait, the more expensive it will be. Measure CO gives students the tools to succeed in high school, college and the 21st century workforce. Good schools make our neighborhoods more desirable, which protects property values.
Vote YES on CO for quality Charter Oak schools + without increasing tax rates.
ALEXANDRA R. PARSLOW CEO, (COPE), Charter Oak Partners in Education/Parent
(No arguments against Measure CO were submitted) |
Tax Rate Statement from Mike Hendricks, Ed.D. COUSD Superintendent |
An election will be held in the Charter Oak Unified School District (the "District") on
June 5, 2012, to authorize the sale of up to $47,000,000 in bonds of the District to finance
school facilities as described in the measure. Ifsuch bonds arc authorized and sold,
principal and interest on the bonds will be payable only from the proceeds of tax levies
made upon the taxable property in the District. The following information is provided in
compliance with Sections 9400-9404 of the Elections Code of the State of Califomia.
Such information is based upon the best estimates and projections presently available
from official sources, upon experience within the District, and other demonstrable
Based upon the foregoing and projections of the District's assessed valuation, the following information is provided:
1. The best estimate of the tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the first series of bonds, based on a projection of assessed valuations, is $0.00 per $100,000 of assessed value for fiscal year 2013-14.
2. The best estimate of the tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the last series of bonds, based on a projection of assessed valuations, is $60.00 per $100,000 of assessed value for fiscal year 2025-26.
3. The best estimate of the highest tax rate which would be required to be levied to fund this bond issue, based on a projection of assessed valuations, is $60.00 per $100,000 of assessed value for fiscal year 2019-20. Voters should note the estimated tax rate is based on the ASSESSED VALUE of taxable property on the County's official tax rolls, not on the property's market value. In addition, taxpayers eligible for a property tax exemption, such as the homeowner's exemption, will be taxed at a lower effective tax ratc than described above. Property owners should consult their own property tax bills and tax advisors to determine their property's assessed value and any applicable tax exemptions. The attention of all voters is directed to the fact that the foregoing information is based upon projections and estimates only, which are not binding upon the District. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary from those presently estimated, due to variations from these estimates in the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold and market interest rates at the time of each sale, and actual assessed valuations over the term of repayment of the bonds. The date of sale and the amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the District based on the need for construction funds and other factors. The actual interest rates at which the bonds will be sold will depend on the bond market at the time of sale. Actual future assessed valuations will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined by the County Assessor in the annual assessment and the equalization process. |
Full Text of Measure CO |
The Governing Board of the Charter Oak Unified School District is committed to safe schools with upgraded classrooms, libraries, science labs and technology systems to keep pace with 21 st century learning standards. The Board evaluated the District's urgent and critical facility needs, including safety issues, class size, computer and information technology, enrollment trends and prepared a Master Facilities Plan in developing the scope of projects to be funded . The District conducted a facilities evaluation and received public input in developing this Project List. Teachers, staff, community members and the Board will pri oritize the key health and safety needs so that the most critical facility needs are addressed. The Board concluded that if these needs are not addressed now, the problems will only become more pressing and expensive to address. Therefore, in approving this Project List, the Governing Board determines that the District should:
(i) retain all bond money to be used exclusively in our local community and not be taken away by the State; and
(ii) reduce operating costs, through energy efficiency upgrades, invest the savings to improve academic performance in corc subjects like reading, writing, math, science and technology; and
(iii) upgrade classrooms, libraries, science labs and computer systems to keep pace with technology for 21 s1 century skillsj and
(iv) modernize school facili ties to improve access for students with disabilities; and
(v) make improvements to the lighting, fencing, fire, security and electrical systems to have a safe Iearning environment for our students; and
(vi) upgrade old roofs, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems to improve energy efficiency and save money which can be invested in classroom instruction. The Project List includes upgrades and improvements at the following schools: Badillo Elementary School
Goal and Purpose: Since protecting quality education in local schools requires renovating, repairing and upgrading outdated school buildings, bathrooms, science labs, classrooms, computers, technology, school libraries, athletic/aquatic facil ities and equipment to give all children have the resources they need to learn and stay up-to-date with the latest advances in technology and education, local schools will benefit from projects including:
and Energy Efficiency School Projects Goal and Purpose: Since good, safe and up-to-date schools help protect and improve local property values and reduce maintenance and operating costs, returning more money to the classroom, schools and school sites will benefit from a variety of health and safety projects, such as: Student Safety
To Maintain A High Standard of Achievement Goal and Purpose: To upgrade classroom computers and computer technology to allow our teachers and students to usc up-to-date teaching methods and enhance instruction in core academic subjects like reading, math, science and technology:
Goal and Purpose: To enhance educational programs, some schools would benefit from the construction and expansion of additional earthquake and accessibility code compliant facilities, such as:
The listed projects will be completed as needed. Each project is assumed to include its share of furniture, equipment, architectural, engineering, and similar planning costs, program management, staff training expenses and a customary contingency, and escalation [or unforeseen design and construction costs. In addition to the listed projects stated above, the Project List also includes the payment of the costs of preparation of all facility planning, facility assessment reviews, environmental studies, construction documentation, inspection and permit fees, and temporary housing of dislocated District activities caused by bond projects, as well as the completion of projects authorized under the District's Measure C, previously approved by the voters. The upgrading of technology infrastructure includes, but is not limited to, computers, projectors, portable interface devices, servers, switches, routers, modules, smart boards, sound projection systems, printers, digital white boards, document projectors, upgrade voice·over·IP, phone systems, call manager and network security/firewall, and other miscellaneous equipment and software. The repair of school facilities includes the upgrading/replacing of the aquatic center and school site parking, campus accessibility, utilities, and grounds, playground equipment, hard court surfaces, shade structures for student assembly and protecting students from inclement weather during lunch, libraries, District support facilities, including improvements at the District Service Center; high school theater; enhanced signage; fire sensors; replace damaged and unsafe gym bleachers; athletic and play fields turf may be upgraded for safety and operational efficiency; renovate and paint interior and exterior building surfaces to extend their useful life; stadium improvements; security, safety and communication systems and equipment; window and floor coverings (including tiles and carpeting); kitchen equipment; upgrade irrigation systems; improvements and furnishings and/or other electronic equipment and systems. The Project List also includes the refinancing of any outstanding lease obligations, or the bridge loans taken to initiate voter approved projects. The allocation of bond proceeds may be affected by the District's receipt of State matching funds and the final costs of each project. In the absence of State matching funds, which the District will aggress ively pursue to reduce the District's share of the costs of the projects, the District may not be able to complete some of the projects listed above. The budget for each project is an estimate and may be affected by factors beyond the District's control. The final cost of each project will be detennined as plans are finalized, construction bids are awarded and projects are completed. Based on the final costs of each project, certain of the projects described above may be delayed or may not be completed. Demolition of existing facilities and reconstruction of facilities scheduled for repair and upgrade may occur, if the Board determines that such an approach wou ld be more cost-effective in creating enhanced and operationally efficient campuses. Necessary site preparation/restoration and landscaping, may occur in connection with new construction, renovation or remodeling, or installation or removal of relocatable classrooms, including ingress and egress, removing, replac ing, or installing irrigation, utility lines, trees and landscaping, redirecting fire access, and acquiring any necessary easements, licenses, or rights of way to the property. Bond proceeds shall be expended only for the speci fic purposes identified herein. Proceeds of the bonds may be used to payor reimburse the District for the cost of District staff when performing work on or necessary and incidental to the bond projects. The District shall create an account into which proceeds of the bonds shall be deposited and comply with the reporting requirements of Government Code § 53410. FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY: IN ACCORDANCE WITH EDUCATION CODE SECTION 15272, THE GOVERNING BOARD WILL APPOINT A CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE AND CONDUCT ANNUAL INDEPENDENT AUDITS TO ASSURE THAT FUNDS ARE SPENT ONLY ON DISTRlCT PROJECTS AND FOR NO OTHER PURPOSE. THE EXPENDITURE OF BOND MONEY ON THESE PROJECTS IS SUBJECT TO STRINGENT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS. BY LAW, PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL AUDITS WILL BE PERFORMED ANNUALLY, AND ALL BOND EXPENDITURES WILL BE MONITORED BY AN INDEPENDENT CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE TO ENSURE THAT FUNDS ARE SPENT AS PROMISED AND SPECIFIED. THE CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MUST INCLUDE, AMONG OTHERS, REPRESENTATION OF A BONA FIDE TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION, A BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND A SENIOR CITIZENS ORGANIZATION. NO DISTRICT EMPLOYEES OR VENDORS ARE ALLOWED TO SERVE ON THE CITIZENS' OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. No Administrator Salaries: Proceeds from the sale of the bonds authorized by this proposition shall be used only for the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of school facilities, including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, and not for any other purpose, including teacher and school administrator salaries and other operating expenses. |