The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Personal Qualities,
Access to the Legal System
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experiences and personal qualities best equip you to serve as judge?
Answer from Joe Escalante:
Experience. I've spent hundreds of hours on the bench as a Volunteer Temporary Judge. I've disposed of thousands of cases including small claims, unlawful detainer, and traffic. I have been recognized by the presiding judge for my service three years in a row and am consistently requested for service. I must be doing something right.
Answer from Sean D. Coen:
As a gang homicide prosecutor I have had vast experience prosecuting the most dangerous and violent criminal defendants. I am sought out for advice by police agencies, and attorneys. Due to my sense of ethics and fairness, I have broad support from both lawyers and judges. Having prosecuted over 100 jury trials provides me with the knowledge on how to run an efficient and effective courtroom. My integrity and dedication to justice provide me with the tools to run a fair courtroom while still maintaining the utmost priority for public safety.
Answer from Craig Gold:
I have over 22 years as a Deputy District Attorney prosecuting criminal trials and civil forfeiture cases involving drug trafficking felons in the courts. Befor becoming an attorney, I was was labor negotiator for the flights attendants and served as a corporate labor relations' professional. I have the legal experience, life experiences,judicial temperament, compassion ,and sense of fairness to serve the community as an excellent judge.
Answer from Laurence N. Kaldor:
- Criminal Jury Trials: Volunteer Deputy City Attorney
- Civil Trials: As Domestic Violence Litigator
- Judge Pro Tem: 500+ Hours Family & Traffic Court
- COPE (Labor) Endorsement
- Judicial Temperament + I am:
o Fair, impartial & unbiased, with integrity
o Honest, meticulous, & ethical
o Intelligent, a mediator & an excellent listener
- Commitment to service
o 17 years of legal & civic charity work
- Life Experience
o Overcame adversity: Plane Crash Survivor/Amputee
2. Do you believe that all citizens have adequate access to legal help and the legal system? If not, what can be done to provide wider and better access?
Answer from Sean D. Coen:
Citizens have reduced access due to recent budget cuts. Running an efficient court by starting on time, knowing the law, and making tough decisions will allow for greater access.
Answer from Laurence N. Kaldor:
No! The system needs judges willing to work longer hours, understand how to better utilize the courtroom staff, court related services and personnel, and who are skilled in calendar management.
Answer from Joe Escalante:
Bullying in the civil courts is rampant. Targeting victims that can not afford adequate legal defense as part of a "shake-down" has created a system where millions are denied access to justice each year. Anti-SLAPP statutes are a step in the right direction but an effort needs to be made to increase awareness among those at risk.
Answer from Craig Gold:
No. In particularly the civil courts, there is a need for Economic Justice Reform. Litigants with limited financial and legal resources need a proactive judge who will ensure that they receive equal footing in court with litigants that have larger legal and financial resources. I support public civil counsel asssitanace, public mediation, and public arbitration to foster case settlements in family and the civil courts.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' answers are presented as submitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.