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Los Angeles County, CA | June 5, 2012 Election |
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The Great Republic ExperimentBy Nancy M. KremerCandidate for Member, Republican Party County Central Committee; County of Los Angeles; Assembly District 46 |
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The United States of America is labeled "The Great Republic Experiment." Right now, that experiment is failing because the good people of America are not paying attention. I carry a small torch to illuminate for the good people of Los Angeles, the erosion of the Constitution. The time is of the present and the world is watching. Take action.NANCY M. KREMER Candidate for Republican Central Committee, 46th Assembly District As I write my point of view on my Top Political Priorities, I realize they are deeply intertwined. There is such a profound crossover between National Defense and Personal Liberty and Representative Government that they appear to be actually one and the same. It is the United States of America. It is the Great Republic Experiment. And right now, it is failing. It is not the philosophy, the founding principals, that are failing but rather the Experiment itself has been hijacked. The scientific procedure, the map to assess the results, has been altered. The Constitution has been corroded. And that erosion is reflected in almost every topic of discussion. It is now the time for the good people of the nation to reinstitute this amazing experiment before it is lost permanently. The world is watching. Check out Google Trends to verify - the WORLD IS WATCHING! National Defense- " defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..." Every officer of the Uniformed Services on commissioning takes this oath. Unfortunately, right now, these same military personnel are being asked to defend financial interests rather than our Constitution. I stand strong with Presidential Candidate Dr. Ron Paul on this issue. Bring home our enlisted from around the globe. Build our strong national defense by rebuilding our monetary system and rebuilding our legislation to align with the Constitution. Stop using our men and women to enforce private, corporate, financial interests - particularly in energy. Rather, open trade and deregulate. The American people already have discovered many different sources of energy. Let the market dictate which will thrive, not the government. (Note, Ron Paul's position on National Defense is embraced by the military. Ron Paul received more financial support from active military personnel than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES COMBINED - including their current President! If the enlisted guys think this is the best national defense policy - believe them!) Also note, this oath is not to defend the country but rather, the Constitution. It is the domestic assault on our Constitution right now that the Military is angry about. Our Constitution is being made a mockery and we need to DEFEND it! (Patriot Act, NDAA, Assassination of American Citizens, printing of fiat money.) Personal Liberty- As sovereign human beings, under the Constitution, we are given by a Divine Source the right to life and liberty. In order to function in a society of human beings, we all agree to certain terms and conditions, the first of which is, Do No Harm. If you grow a rotten piece of fruit and eat it and become sick, you have exercised your Divine liberty to do so. If you grow a harmful piece of fruit (perhaps genetically modified that will sterilize whomever consumes it) and you give it or sell it deceitfully, you have done harm. The government shall not put into place a system where you are not allowed to consume your own rotten fruit, but rather, that there is a system in place to prevent and/or punish someone from harming another. Currently, the opposite is in place, you cannot drink your own raw milk but corporate GMO corn and soy are being subsidized. Within the Constitution, the right to bear arms was placed there to prevent the government to take the weapons of the people so they could not revolt as the British were intent on doing. Not only should every human being under this Constitution maintain the opportunity to bear arms, but it is to some degree their duty to do so. Not to use against another human being, but to use against a government that is no longer following the Constitution. Representative Government- We have a representative government. We elect individuals to govern us. In my All Reference Dictionary, Democracy is defined as "a system of government by the whole population, typically through elected representatives" and "the practice of social equality." Republic is, "a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected president rather than a monarch," and "a community with a certain equality between its members." Both Democrats and Republicans agree to being governed by a representative government. Both agree to specific equalities among the people - voting, freedom of speech, basically the Bill of Rights. The difference between the parties has to do with "Social Equality" vs "Certain Equalities." The Social Equality ideal does not exist in any society (see Wikipedia). Social Equality legitimately exists in the minds of the people, their morality, not the legislation. Example: All human beings should have access to the best health care for themselves- intellectual social equality. My interpretation of the best health care may not be the same as my neighbors. I may believe that a raw juice diet is the best cure for my cancer. My neighbor may believe chemotherapy is the best cure for their cancer. Our definitions of good health care can't possibly align in legislation. Through this example I hope to demonstrate that only the equality that covers all people is the one that can be legally enforced for and upon all people - the Bill of Rights. Social equalities should be market driven. Within a free market, alternative medicine would be freely available and researched. The people would decide - based on evidence (scientific or anecdotal), what is their best choice. Chemotherapy is available. So are hundreds of other therapies. Some are expensive and some are near free (grounding.) And all are based on the social equality that all humans should have access to the best health care. Currently, the government has told me I may not have access to a doctor that will guide me through a raw juice healing of cancer. (I am forced to leave this country to find that medical care.) And with Obamacare, I may be forced to pay for chemotherapy even though I believe it harms more than helps. The alternative therapies found in Mexico, Germany, China, and the Netherlands are seeing far better results than those found in the USA. The free market would open those doors and we may find better overall health. Right now, corporatism, along with the hijacking of the national media outlets, is harming the health of the people and the ingenuity of the doctors. It is because I believe in certain equalities but not in legislating social equalities that I am a Republican and not a Democrat. The irony is that at this moment in history, we have neither a Republic nor a Democratic society. We have Corporatism, "the control of a state by large interest groups." This is regardless of which politician is in office. In Summary- My Republican Party has lost it's way. It is losing supporters right and left because it has forgotten the basic principals of which it was founded. How could President Bush sign the corporate bailout? How is Mitt Romney any different than Barack Obama? (The same top financial backers, the same voting records, heck, Obamacare was based on the health care that Mitt Romney sponsored in his home state.) Most of our politicians have become career politicians. They make money (and lots of it) by scratching the backs of the corporations. Letting drugs like Aspartame get approved even though there was overwhelming scientific evidence of the dangers. (I believe Rumsfeld made a lot of money on that one.) It is time for the good people to take back their government! It is also time for the good people to start paying attention and take responsibility for their own personal welfare and the welfare of the Constitution. |
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