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Santa Barbara County, CA | June 5, 2012 Election |
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Free Speech - Free Choice - Free LoveBy Robert BurkeCandidate for Member, Democratic Party County Central Committee; Santa Barbara County; Supervisorial District 1 |
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The principles upon which this country is founded are the most enlightened in the world to allow we humans to manifest our own destiny, pursue our spiritual growth, and engage in social and financial commerce."The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant." John Stewart Mill Free Speech. In America you have the right to be wrong. In America, you have the right to be a jerk. In America, you have the right to hate. But, in America, you do not have the right to harm. The quote above from John Stewart Mill is known as the harm principle. That is, say what you want, but do no harm. What that has meant in America has a history and has changed. The Patriot Act is the current incarnation of too much repression. A quick look at its predecessors can give us a perspective of what we are dealing with. Free Choice Those who practice and legislate with the ideas that women are to be folded, stamped, and stapled, see women as inferior beings. These ideas and actions must be opposed, confronted, and thrown on the ash heap of history. It is time to get out the vote to get them out of office. "Men of sense in all ages abhor those customs which treat us only as the vassals of your sex." Abigail Adams Free Love Marriage is a social union or legal contract between people. We will continue to light the candle of commitment until all people in the State of California can marry whom they please for love and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of legal matrimony without prejudice and discrimination and with equal protection before the law. The issue is not sexual orientation. The issue is social justice. See my webpage for a history of why we have the newspaper headlines we do. |
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