The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Build Party,
Assist Campaigns,
Why Join
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What would you do to increase the number of voters registered in your party?
Answer from Craig Dunkerley:
The Santa Clara County Democratic Club, of which I am Vice President, does frequent voter registartion events which I support.
Answer from Deepka Lalwani:
Arrange voter registration in my neighborhood at neighborhood social and parties. Focus on local democratic club.
Many of the residents are still settling down. We have to educate them about advantages of civic participation and why they should become citizens and voters - also after becoming voters why they should vote regularly.
Voting is our privilege and we must use it.
Have registration booth at town fairs and events.
Phone/ email people registering them to become voters.
Have booth at citizenship ceremonies.
Once people become active voters, it helps democracy and people feel empowered.
I was founder of Milpitas Democratic Club - through which we arranged speakers about political topics.
I am a board member of DAWN (Democratic Activists for Women Now) - group empowers and encourages women to run.
Answer from Chris Stampolis:
- Active outreach to new citizens and recent 18 year olds, including asking local Democratic clubs to enact numerical registration goals
- Foster Democratic Party sponsorship of local community events
- Invest more attention on the priorities of young voters throughout Santa Clara County
Answer from David Cohen:
One of the primary goals of the Santa Clara County Democratic Party is the expansion of voter registration. I have spent countless hours running and volunteering for voter registration drives at various locations in the County. I also believe that through precinct captains, who work their neighborhoods year round, we can reach out to new members of the community and get them registered to vote and involved with the party.
2. What would you do to help the campaigns of candidates of your party?
Answer from David Cohen:
As Communications Director for the County party, I help publicize the campaign for endorsed candidates and the nominees of the Democratic Party. I write press releases to the local media, make sure that endorsed candidates are publicized on the Democratic Party website, and keep Democratic volunteers informed of ways to help the candidates. I have personally walked precincts all over the Bay Area for Democratic candidates and will continue to do so.
Answer from Chris Stampolis:
Train candidates in voter registration, message targeting and active outreach. And, candidates must learn how to partner with community-based Democratic clubs to provide local voters a means of strengthening neighborhood participation in the political process.
Answer from Craig Dunkerley:
I will be doing phone banking and precinct walking for select state and federal candidates as well as providing as much financial support as I can afford.
Answer from Deepka Lalwani:
I will publicize Democratic Party candidates. Walk precincts, put up signs and make phone calls for them. I will also arrange small coffee sessions to introduce them to neighborhoods.
3. Why did you become a member of this political party?
Answer from Craig Dunkerley:
The Democratic Party works hardest for the benefit of the middle class and working families. It's not perfect by any means, but it's much more receptive to the kinds of progressive policies I strongly believe in.
Answer from Deepka Lalwani:
The Democratic Party offers hope and fairness to new immigrants. It gives equal opportunity to a common person on the street.
Members of this party believe in the democratic value of all citizens. The party is fair to all -- not just to chosen elites.
Answer from Chris Stampolis:
Before my 18th birthday, I studied the platforms of all political parties, compared them to my beliefs and easily decided the Democratic Party shared my commitment to opportunity for individual and community success. Our society has to balance reward for individual achievement with accountability to those that have garnered success. To whom much is given, much is expected. The Democratic Party fosters free enterprise, environmental vision, a passion for high standards of public education and a commitment to open, accessible governance.
Answer from David Cohen:
The Democratic Party believes in fairness and progress. I am proud to be a member of the party that has been at the forefront of issues such as civil rights, health care, and the environment.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. Word limits for answers are 400 words for all questions.
Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.