The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Build Party,
Assist Campaigns,
Why Join
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What would you do to increase the number of voters registered in your party?
Answer from David Parker:
-Support increased voter registration rallies at high schools and colleges for new young voters
-Additional outreach to new United States citizens at citizenship ceremonies
Answer from Emilie G. Gatfield:
I volunteer for the Santa Clara Democratic Party voter registration table at community events. I also keep a few voter registration forms in my car, in order to register potential voters with as little effort as possible for the new voter.
Answer from Andres Quintero:
At present I am already working, through the East San Jose Democrats, to begin the process of registering people to vote. We are identifying areas of low voter registration and voter turnout and are in the beginning stages of establishing a voter registration drive that will in fact, increase the number of Democrats in the County.
Answer from Javier González:
As a board member of the East San José Democrats, I have been working closely with my board colleagues and the County Democratic Party to increase voter participation in East San José, Central San José and parts of downtown San José, where there has been low voter participation in past elections. This is an on-going project that we are currently rolling out and is set to start in August 2012.
2. What would you do to help the campaigns of candidates of your party?
Answer from Andres Quintero:
I've participated in phone banking, precinct walking and provided donations to the campaigns of various Democratic Party candidates in the past and plan to continue my support of my chosen candidates in the future.
Answer from David Parker:
As a longtime Democrat, I have and will continue to participate in numerous phone-banking and "Get Out the Vote" events.
I believe in supporting candidates who have earned by support and I pledge to continue walking precincts and phone-banking for those candidates who support my values.
Some campaigns I am proud to have worked on:
No on Proposition 8
Sam Liccardo for San Jose City Council, District 3
Bevan Dufty, San Francisco Supervisor, District 8
Jeff Adachi, San Francisco Public Defender
Answer from Javier González:
For over 10 years, I have been walking precincts for candidates endorsed by the Democratic Party. I will continue to volunteer for candidates endorsed the Democratic Party.
Answer from Emilie G. Gatfield:
I walk precincts for candidates, as well as participating in candidate endorsement panels, fundraising events, and perform other volunteer activities as requested. I have taken part in phone banks, coached candidates on presentation, and helped solicit financial contributions for good, Democratic candidates.
3. Why did you become a member of this political party?
Answer from David Parker:
The Democratic Party values diversity and has a long history of fighting for what's right. My values, that the Democratic Party shares with me, includes:
--Support a woman's right to choose
--LGBT Equal Rights and Non-Discrimination
--A quality and safe public school education
--Freedom of Speech and fighting censorship
Answer from Javier González:
I have been a registered Democrat since the age of 18. My views and beliefs are in line with those of the Democratic Party platform.
Answer from Emilie G. Gatfield:
I have always been a Democrat, since before my mother took me along as she walked precincts for George McGovern in 1972. The Democratic Party represents the ideals I hold most dear, such as fairness, responsibility towards others, and responsible fiscal policies that focus on sustainability, rather than short term profitability and greed.
Answer from Andres Quintero:
I am a member of the Democratic party because I support the party's platform and believe in the values of social justice.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. Word limits for answers are 400 words for all questions.
Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.