The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Build Party,
Assist Campaigns,
Why Join
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What would you do to increase the number of voters registered in your party?
Answer from Peter J. Allen:
In 2010, Santa Clara County became the first jurisdiction in the country to accept mobile voter registration through "smart" touchscreen devices like iPhones and iPads. A pilot project at San Jose State during the primary and general elections that year resulted in a 71% conversion rate from unregistered student to voting student using mobile touchscreen registration technology developed by a Silicon Valley company. The Democratic Party could utilize this technology to expand and enhance its voter registration apparatus and maximize engagement from young and immigrant communities, who have adopted smart devices at a far higher rate than other demographics.
Answer from Shaian Mohammadi:
As an organizer for various campaigns in the past, I have focused on voter registration efforts on college campuses and in parts of the county where there is a record low turnout of voters; whether socio-eonomic based or location-wise. My focus on voter registration will always stay with me. I have noticed a trend in which college students tend to register more as Democrats due to tuition hikes, along with those in lower socio-economic settings . In fact, on any given day, I probably have voter registration forms on me.
Answer from Bill Roth:
In order to increase voter registration in the Democratic Party, I would allow for Electronic Voter Registration.
2. What would you do to help the campaigns of candidates of your party?
Answer from Peter J. Allen:
Beyond registering more Democrats to vote for them, I have and always will engage in traditional and still effective campaign activities such as precinct walking and phone banking. I'm also quick to offer my consultation and advice to young and first-time candidates looking to enter the pipeline of local leadership. The path to sustained success for progressive Democrats in Santa Clara County is through the widening of our "bench". We must ensure that the next generation takes up the mantle when we can no longer carry it ourselves.
Answer from Shaian Mohammadi:
In Santa Clara County, I have helped walk for and turn out the vote for various local Democratic elected officials. I am fortunate to say many of the local Democratic elected officials are mentors to me. It is important to remember that the idea of 'democracy' happens at the grassroots level, so that's the local municipalities and county government. We must stick together as Democrats and elect Democrats to be in the aforementioned government offices. To this day, I still continue to organize phonebanks for various Democrats that are running for office.
3. Why did you become a member of this political party?
Answer from Peter J. Allen:
I first became a Democrat because my grandmother told me that I would be disowned if I didn't. But in all seriousness, it didn't take long for me to realize that this is where I belong. The Democratic Party stands for equality, social justice, working people, and most of all, freedom. These are values that compel me to fight every day and help move us a little further toward a more perfect union. The real question is: Why would you become a member of any other political party?
Answer from Shaian Mohammadi:
I have been registered as, and supportive of, the Democratic Party all of my life. I am blessed to have come from a liberal-minded family.
Answer from Bill Roth:
My political philosophy, and what I believe are laid out at:
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. Word limits for answers are 400 words for all questions.
Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.