This is a copy of information submitted to elections officials by the candidate
Occupation: Teacher/School Trustee
Education and Qualifications:
Pressing issues face the City of San Jose and Evergreen.
We deserve a
Council member who will fight for quality neighborhoods, excellent schools, and
responsive government. I'm qualified for this job. I've lived here most of my life. I've worked for many years as a parent, schoolteacher, volunteer, commissioner
and elected official to improve our community. For more than twenty years I
have represented this district on Boards of Education.
I've led efforts for
improving schools, developing innovative programs, cutting costs and fiscal
I believe we're best served when public officials listen to residents. I listen
and take action. As your council member, I will restore community involvement
in decisions affecting our district. I will work for quality land use, traffic solutions
and respond to your concerns. I am an educator and value a strong partnership
with schools. All students must be ready to successfully join our workforce. I
am honored to be endorsed by County Supervisor Dave Cortese, and supported
by teachers, firefighters, police officers, civic leaders, and business people from
across this community. I ask humbly for your support. Thank you.