The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Government reform,
Higher education,
Major issues
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How will you prioritize the budget choices the Legislature must make to align the state’s income and spending?
Answer from Jack Mobley:
The primary function of government is protection of it's citizens. After first responders are given the ability to meet their obligations I would work on improving the state's business climate. Infrastructure, including water storeage, needs to be a major priority. We need to create an environment where businesses will move back to California. Government does not create jobs, the private sector does. However, government can facilitate business moving back by providing the needed security and facilities businesses need.
Answer from Adam C. Gray:
First and foremost the legislature must balance the state's budget. We must ensure that as the legislature faces cuts to the many state programs that we prioritize returning money to our community for core services, like public safety, education, and infrastructure.
2. What types of changes or reforms, if any, do you think are important to make our state government function more effectively?
Answer from Adam C. Gray:
One of the core functions of the legislature is to provide oversight to the many agencies, departments and commissions the State has. In-experience and on the job training in the legislature has resulted in legislators going to Sacramento with no intention of doing the oversight needed. My experience and knowledge of the legislative process in and outside of Sacramento will allow me to start day one.
Answer from Jack Mobley:
I am for a part time legislature and for a different way to raise revenues such as replacing all taxes with a state sales tax of the type advocated by Dr Laffer. We need a valid voter ID process to curtail voter fraud. All legislation should be posted to a state web site for a minimum of a week before it is voted on and all legislators should post their office budgets online.
3. Fees for public higher education have gone up dramatically and funding has been cut. Is this a priority concern, and if so, what measures would you propose to address it?
Answer from Jack Mobley:
The salaries of staff and the money spent on facilities etc needs to be looked at. The cost of education has risen much faster than inflation and is not being explaned adequately.
Answer from Adam C. Gray:
This is a major concern and a priority for me. Student fees and costs are going up while executive pay at the schools is also increasing. We must ensure that every Californian has the opportunity to receive a quality education at any of our fine institutions. The cost of this education should not be increased due to increases to already highly paid executives at these campuses.
4. What other major issues do you think the Legislature must address? What are your own priorities?
Answer from Jack Mobley:
Water storeage
Voter fraud
Lower taxes, state sales tax rather than other taxes
Environmental rules being written and enforced by an unelected bureacracy.
Answer from Adam C. Gray:
The Central Valley needs a strong advocate and someone that will continue the work that other elected legislators have laid out for us. I'm proud to be a part of the legacy that continues to grow the UC Merced Campus and will continue to fight to for much needed water and transportation infrastructure.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.