The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Government reform,
Higher education,
Major issues
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. How will you prioritize the budget choices the Legislature must make to align the state’s income and spending?
Answer from Gregg D. Fritchle:
A sustainable healthy economy in California depends on the following: 1) support for the middle class, which is the largest group of consumers in a market-based economy; 2) increasing commutability of working people by providing affordable high-speed transportation, thereby shortening commute times and increasing job opportunites by increasing the radius of accessibility; 3) shifting financial support and tax relief from corporations to small businesses, so that small businesses can compete and corporations are less able to form local monopolies; and 4) recognizing changing demands and needs, including shifting to a green economy that places less emphasis on finite and polluting resources such as coal and oil.
2. What types of changes or reforms, if any, do you think are important to make our state government function more effectively?
Answer from Gregg D. Fritchle:
1) We simply cannot keep cutting without finding ways to raise revenue fairly in order to be able to rebuild and maintain our infrastructure (highways, water supply and utility networks, etc), ensure public safety, and protect our children's health.
2) Investing in quality education has been shown to reduce criminal behavior, and investing in preventive health care reduces the need for emergency room care. Both save taxpayers money in the long run.
3) We also need to shift toward greater use of renewable energy sources, which will also save consumers, businesses, and taxpayers money in the long run.
3. Fees for public higher education have gone up dramatically and funding has been cut. Is this a priority concern, and if so, what measures would you propose to address it?
Answer from Gregg D. Fritchle:
1) Enforce Proposition 98 without exception and stop raiding the education fund
2) Increased cost-effectiveness measures at the secondary level to free up more funds, through more effective use of existing classroom facilities at the secondary education level by implementing longer school days with flexible scheduling for students and teachers (such as 4/40 schedules in the latter case)
3) Make greater use of technology to assist instructors and students in the public secondary and postsecondary (State Community College and California public university) systems, including the use of "virtual classrooms" and Internet-based instruction
4) Reimburse instructors fully for costs personally incurred purchasing supplies necessary to teach their assigned curricula
4. What other major issues do you think the Legislature must address? What are your own priorities?
Answer from Gregg D. Fritchle:
1) To end the legislative gridlock in Sacramento and to be able to move forward with a fiscal plan for California that solves its current deficit problem while protecting public services
2) To fix the broken tax system in California and make it fair for all Californians
3) To protect and fully fund public services to meet the needs of Californians
4) To fight the politics of exclusion and intolerance that continue to hold significant political power in Sacramento
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.