We should use taxpayer's dollars only to restore Earth & Inhabitants.
Legalize marijuana, grow everywhere as substitute for all it's uses. To save water we should grow crops symbiotically, including grape wineries where we could process grapes, leaves, marijuana into ethanol, non-toxic plastic wrap for food, [toilet] paper, heating & energy for business & homes, incinerator toilets that use no water or septic, compact wood that could stop the destruction of logging to land, water,source & wildlife habitat creating sustainable yield logging source in future. Quintillion dollar industry with huge tax base for social needs in one season. Our wildlife are being decimated by logging, uncontrolled fires, ranchers, over population, coming to town to be slaughtered. I suggest we use tax dollars to create conservatories where people grow food for wildlife & marijuana for all it's uses including parents for baby trees, fencing to protect animals from rancers,etc, & the same for ranchers. Many people think solarpanels & windmills to be the answer to global warming,but solar panels, windmills & their batteries are seriously toxic unless manufactured with marijuana oil, & provide no oxygen or other nutrients to create the water we desperately need.