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State of California | June 5, 2012 Election |
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Is It Radical To Stop the Counterfeiters?By Rick WilliamsCandidate for United States Senator |
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There's nothing radical at all about a return to sound moneyRick Williams is the radical conservative candidate in the United States Senate race in California. One of Rick's core points is to bring an end to our counterfeiting Federal Reserve System; but is this proposal actually radical? Rick is the only one who offers anything like this-- so is he really a radical by planning to stop the counterfeiters? Let's take a closer look, and answer this important question. We start with the basics: counterfeiting is wrong, and wrongful; and enormously destructive to our national currency and our economy as a whole. No legitimate and properly grounded society can exist on a system of phony, counterfeit money! It's never worked in the past; it's not working now; and it's not going to work in the future. Sound money is the essential underpinning of any free and just society-- this has been true down through the ages, and it remains true today. The reasons are simple and obvious-- if we allow counterfeiters to do their evil work, the savings and income of everyone who is not a counterfeiter are eroded and destroyed every time an act of counterfeiting occurs. Counterfeiting doesn't produce "wealth" to a society in the slightest; rather, it is a transfer of wealth from those who aren't counterfeiters to those who are. In the case of counterfeiting by and through our Federal Reserve System, the wealth transfer flows from ordinary, hard-working American citizens to "too big to fail banks," crony politicians, and the Fed itself. These are the groups who benefit-- the counterfeiters and their favored friends-- it's the rest of us who suffer. Politicians and pundits try to tell us that Federal Reserve counterfeiting is legitimate and OK because our government says it is. Don't believe these people; they're lying to you. Government edict can't make an illegitimate act legitimate; or a wrongful act rightful; or a despicable act moral. Very simply, our system of law and justice cannot (and does not) allow for such things-- no matter how much our crony politicians and their media cheerleaders try to say that it can. An immoral and unjust law is simply that: immoral and unjust. Counterfeiting has been rightly viewed as a major crime down through the ages, and it remains so today. Period. End of story. Our politicians and bankers try to make another argument to support their counterfeiters; but this second argument is as flawed as the first. The argue necessity. They tell us the sky will fall if the counterfeiting stops; our economy will collapse; the world as we know it will come to an end; and just in general that we'll all be impoverished if they can't continue with their counterfeiting ways. What a bunch of nonsense! Of course there'll be consequences when the counterfeiting stops. Our counterfeiting Fed will be put out of business. Our crony politicians won't have phony money anymore to pass around to favored friends. Our "too big to fail" banks will instantly fail. All these things will happen; and more. But here's the key point-- these are consequences that flow to them; to the counterfeiters themselves. For the rest of us-- the non-counterfeiters-- we'll all be instantly better off. Getting rid of counterfeiters is a good thing! It's like removing a cancer; or cleaning cockroaches out of an infested kitchen. Once we're rid of the counterfeiters, an economic rebirth can occur, and will. And the converse is equally true: until we're rid of these criminals there can be no economic recovery, and there won't be. They're vampires-- sucking off wealth and stifling the rest of us. We must get rid of them; status quo is simply not an option. So who are the real radicals here? Rick Williams offers common sense; morality; justice; and sound economics. Rick says: business as usual is radical when the "business" in question is counterfeiting. Deciding who's right on this key point will be the central issue for California voters to decide on June 5, 2012. |
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