The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Oakland and asked of all candidates for this office.
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Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. (Teacher recruitment and retention) What should be done to support the recruitment and retention of qualified and experienced teachers in Oakland public schools?
Answer from Jody S. London:
Oakland Unified needs a career ladder for teachers that includes:
· more consistent and meaningful coaching,
· more grassroots professional development,
· more opportunities for teachers to share best practices, both at school sites and district-wide, as has started to happen through the Teacher Convention, and
· a system of mentor and master teachers, with opportunities for teachers to rotate through those positions.
I believe that professional learning communities are a good first step on the path to greater collaboration and sharing of data in support of student success.
Answer from Thearse Pecot:
As the Teachers Choice for School Board Director, I will ensure that our Teachers are provided with the support they need in the classroom. Teachers working conditions are students learning conditions. I will support a collective bargaining process and will always act on behalf and demonstrate respect for the expertise and views of our teachers.
2. (Training for skilled trades careers) Not all Oakland students will opt to go to college or a university after high school. How will you use your position as a School Board Member to support training for careers in the skilled trades?
Answer from Thearse Pecot:
I want to give our students the opportunity to explore many different levels of learning by offering them electives in the school that would introduce them to careers in the skilled trades.
Answer from Jody S. London:
Under my leadership, Oakland is one of nine counties in California participating in a Linked Learning initiative. We are building out the academies in our high schools so the course work is more relevant to real-world situations. We are partnering with businesses in each industry sector to develop curriculum and internship opportunities. In my second term, I will build on the work we have initiated to date.
3. (Disparities among ethnic groups) What specifically can and should be done about the disparity of academic achievement among various ethnic groups in Oakland, and what can and will you do as a school board member to address these disparities?
Answer from Thearse Pecot:
As a parent who raised my children through Oakland Public Schools as well as attending myself, we must engage our rich ethnic cultures and motivate them with a variety of challenging curriculum and activities. Every school site should have adequate school staff counselors to help guide and support the social and emotional needs of Oakland students in order for them to achieve a high school diploma. Our public safety is tied to the success of our schools.
Answer from Jody S. London:
Oakland, like districts across the country, has a significant gap in achievement between white students and students of color. This gap is most pronounced for African American males. I am proud that Oakland is one of the first school districts in the country to establish a department focused on creating the systems, structures, and spaces that will guarantee success for African American males, and other girls and boys of color. The School Board is focused on literacy for all students, at all levels. As part of our work to implement the upcoming Common Core Standards, we are piloting work that requires all students to be able to write across the curriculum.
4. (Criteria for approvals and closures) Do you support the opening of new Charter Schools at a time when traditional public schools are being closed or threatened with closure? What criteria should be used in deciding what schools should be closed and which new ones be approved?
Answer from Jody S. London:
I consider the large number of charter schools in Oakland to be part of the legacy of State control. I have testified before the County Board of Education on why the Oakland Board denied certain charter schools, and I have testified before the Legislature on issues related to charter schools. The rate at which charters were granted under State control was double the rate prior to receivership. However, the fact remains that Oakland has a large number of charter schools. We need to confront that situation and determine how to proceed.
As part of our Strategic Plan, the Board has directed the Superintendent to prepare quality school review reports for all schools in the district. These reports are similar to the rubric we use to evaluate charter schools. Having this data will allow us to evaluate all schools on a more equal basis.
We must ensure that anyone doing business in Oakland Unified is committed to the goals of our Strategic Plan, and is working in partnership with the District for the success of our neighborhood schools. On August 22, 2012, in my role as President of the Board, I appointed a special committee of the Board to develop a theory of action on diverse providers, for consideration before the end of the year.
Answer from Thearse Pecot:
I do not support opening any more than the current 40 charter schools that are already operating without supervision in Oakland. Charter schools do not support Union teachers, custodian and cafeteria workers. There is no evidence that Charter schools outperform our public schools. I will not support any more community public schools being closed. In order to approve a new public school there must be a need in the community where there is currently no school within a reasonable distance.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' responses are presented as submitted. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.