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Political Philosophy for Gerard Valbuena Dumuk
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I have been approached by numerous groups... with candidacy questions seeking whether my view align with theirs. Many of those groups I have agreed with for the most part, However, but there are always a couple of points that come up where my position is not in complete agreement... For me to agree to every one of their points, their position as a whole, compromises democracy and I would owe that group a vote had they endorsed me. Endorsements and Campaign contributions are an incentive to pander.
As a representative, my goal is to listen, and consider the overall impact of my positions, to consider every member of the village, and to hold a position that is for the greater good. The only endorsements I accept have are personal- these are people that know me for who I am and what i do for my community.
People have this idea of selling out. nobody likes it because it means that you've compromised your ideals. in exchange for some immediate temporary benefit. in this and every other presidential election, the question always becomes who's donating to their campaign. we all accurately assume this means who's interests are they going to represent. in other words, who bought them?
It has been estimated that it would cost every man woman and child in America 311 dollars to buy back congress from the special interest groups. To outbid those special interest groups. Even on the small scale of just our own cities government,. the process of special interests bidding on candidates is looked acted as "standard politics". Just because its legal doesn't mean it has integrity. Our current system is a system in crisis, my biggest strength, the fact that I am not encumbered by any endorsements, is viewed as a weakness by the current paradigm.
Krishnamurti said, "it is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society". Personally i don't think our society is sick, But those that are representing it are ailing.
I say this only because the very skills traits and motivations required to be "politically viable" are the very traits. skill and motivations that will make it least likely that that representative will represent the voice that most needs to be heard.
One of the most touching moments in my adult life was when I attended my first city council meeting. There was an opportunity where anybody who wanted to was allowed 3 minutes to comment. A line formed and I got in it. When it was my turn, I said my name and which council member represented my district. Then I shared my perspective on the issue at hand. When it came time to vote, my council member directly referenced my comment. He made it a point to represent ME. That mattered. On a final note I would like to bring to light the hard numbers involved in campaign financing as the pre election form 460`s were just submitted by all of the candidates. In other words, How much money the candidates have in their PAC's (political action committees) for this election. This is money that they have collected from themselves, others and special interests. In my humble opinion, the higher the dollar amount, the higher the probability for corruption and cronyism. Keep in mind that the city council position pays $50 for every meeting attended. Ask yourself, what is the motivation for seeking out thousands of dollars in campaign contributions for a position that is essentially unpaid? The Corruption Probability Scale from highest to lowest is as follows. (figures according to FPPC form 460) Chen = $18,888.00 Sullwold =$12,202.00 Cambra = $11,268.00 Ashcraft = $10,288.00 Daysog = $1,795.00 Gerard Valbuena Dumuk (me) = $500.00 |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 16, 2012 07:20
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