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J. Michael McCormick
The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Alameda and asked of all candidates for this office.
Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).Questions & Answers
1. (Most pressing problem) What is the single most pressing problem facing the Alameda Healthcare District in the next 24 months and how would you work with your elected colleagues to solve it?
The most pressing problem is to monitor and realize three new revenue centers (Wound Care Center, Water's Edge Nursing Home, and the new Orthopedic Department) and to assure that revenue projections hold on track. I am proposing a Sustainability Plan that tracks the new initiatives, identifies partners to successfully fund needed seismic upgrades, and prepares the Hospital for the many newly insured patients expected from the Affordable Healthcare Acts 2014 mandate.2. (Good government) What steps will you take to assure transparency and open decision-making processes?
Recent problems other small urban hospitals in the region are often due to lack of disclosure from management and poor Board policy. Adherence to fiduciary responsibilities, written and followed Board policies, and public participation each circle and somewhat define the issue of transparency. I have in the past 4 years, and will continue into the next 4 years, to push for open discussions of issues facing the District. Meetings are open to the public and proceedings are videotaped and on display at the District's web site.3. (City-Healthcare District cooperation) How might the Healthcare District and the City work more effectively together?
This is a real important and difficult question. The City of Alameda and the City Healthcare District, like public institutions all over the region, face shrinking revenues. Residents, however, still need the services each entity provides regardless of costs. Therefore, new and overreaching ideas and initiatives must include both an awareness of the problem and a cost productive method in developing an answer. My mindset is to look for duplicate costly services and find a way to cooperate and provide them through new connections. Any cooperation must also include the participation of the private and not for profit organizations that could also benefit from streamlining their services. County officials could provide a forum for seeking these connections. It will not happen soon or easy but, over time and with difficult changes.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate are reproduced as submitted to the League. Candidates' responses are presented as submitted. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.Read the answers from all candidates (who have responded).
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: September 29, 2012 02:15
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