The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Butte County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Charter Schools,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. There is increasing demand for north state groundwater. What do you think we should do to protect the quantity and quality of water we need in our region?
Answer from Doug Teeter:
Many of my supporters are concerned that pumping more and more groundwater will compromise our underground aquifers. Quite a few with wells have stated that their water level has dropped as more wells are drilled. Some are very concerned that other counties allow those with surface rights to sell their surface water and then pump ground water.
I support Butte County's permit requirements for both groundwater extraction for use outside the county and ground water substitute pumping. I believe the permit process is necessary to provide the public a chance to comment. As your Supervisor I would advocate that the surrounding Counties adopt such permit requirements.
In addition, I support the completion of the Tuscan Aquifer monitoring project. Having sound scientific knowledge of the recharge rate of the aquifers would enable us to determine the extraction rate that will not affect our citizen's wells.
Answer from Joe DiDuca:
I serve on the Butte Co. Water Advisory Committee, so I'm directly involved with these issue. The Integrated Regional Water Mgt. Plan (IRWMP)is a united front of six North State Counties that was formed as a coalition to have a strong voice in securing our water origin rights.This gives our water rights a very strong legal and financial voice to fight with. The Bay-Delta Stewardship Council wants to have a majority of our water flushed down the rivers to help (supposedly) habitat in the Delta. This would put an unbearable strain on the Tuscan Aquifer and most likely put farmers out of production and millions of dollars in County revenue would be lost. For quality groundwater, the monitoring going on now needs to continue so recommendations can be made when the aquifer drops in those areas. Development needs to stay away from re-charge areas.
2. What would you propose to address the decline in funding for public education at the state level?
Answer from Joe DiDuca:
The same as funding issues with the County. Those high salaries need to be addressed. The Board of Regents is slapping taxpayers in the face giving those salaries to college President's, especially when fees are going up! Then look at the other departments and trim that fat off too. Government should be prioritizing Public safety, Roads, job creation, and education. Raises cannot be given when funding is dropping, period! Get rid of those appointed committee's that pay six figures to retired politician's.
Answer from Doug Teeter:
The Board of Supervisors in Butte County does not oversee the funding of public education at the state or local level. Public education budgets are overseen by the California State Assembly and Senate. Instead I would like to say a few words on public safety which is my top priority.
As a past forest firefighter, I know that fire suppression requires manned stations for a rapid response. I will build a coalition with a majority of the Supervisors and work with staff to prevent fire station brown-outs and protect vital services.
3. Despite evidence of varying academic success, charter schools are popular and increasing in numbers. What is your position on charter schools and how do you think we can assure balanced funding between charters and regular schools?
Answer from Joe DiDuca:
Most charter schools put out a great product as is evidenced by the scholastic achievements of the students. The additional parent involvement helps keep the whole family invested in the process too. I believe the best should be rewarded. If Charter schools are doing a better job, they should be getting rewarded. Public schools need to look at why the Charter's are doing well and emulate their process. I think this mandatory testing is not a good barometer of every child, and only the best teachers need to be kept, not the oldest.
Answer from Doug Teeter:
For the same reason as above, I would rather mention why I support a fiscally conservative budget.
As a small business owner and licensed provider of financial management services, I understand the need for balanced budgets and workplace efficiency. Although the Butte County budget is balanced for the 2012-2013 year, our County is forecasting deficits for the next four years, ranging from approximately $1.2 to $1.5 million dollars. My supporters know I will work hard to make the decisions necessary to eliminate deficit budgets while being a good steward of your tax dollars.
4. What would you do in this tight budget period to maintain or improve county infrastructure, such as airports, public transportation, and roads.
Answer from Joe DiDuca:
Budget prioritizing and department auditing has to be mandatory. With a budget of over $400 million I know we can give the taxpayers something back for their money. We need look at every department and ask what the personnel has done, what they're doing, and what are they going to do to that benefits the people of this County. We need to justify the high paying management jobs and see if we can get by with less six figure jog descriptions. Tax money should be spent for boots on the street with the minimal amount of bureaucracy to achieve that. The 14% ( I believe it's higher)unemployment needs to be addressed. When people work, money goes into the coffers to pay for public safety, roads, schools, and vital services. We need to look at all fees and regulations to see if they prohibit job creation. Let's give tax and fee relief incentives to those who wish to create jobs. It's common sense economics. We can't strangle the free market system and expect to have services.
Answer from Doug Teeter:
Butte County's 2012-13 budget is almost $450 million. Less than $90 million is under the discretion of the Board of Supervisors. About 1% of public works' $47 million dollar budget comes from funds controlled by our supervisors. State and Federal funding sources are what maintains and improves our County infrastructure. My solution there would be to urge our citizens to elect new representation, in those offices, to solve the perpetual California and Federal budget gridlock.
However, almost two-thirds of county discretionary funds, ~$58.5 million, pay for our Sheriff, Fire, Probation and District Attorney services. As your Supervisor, to increase public safety in these tight budgetary times I would do the following:
1. Support the lease of Butte County's unused Table A water from Oroville Dam. This is expected to produce $1.2 million in annual revenue. The lease would not be permanent and would end or diminish as Butte County's water needs increase;
2. Evaluate use of discretionary funds supporting non-county entities. For example Butte County Economic Development Corporation has been funded by the County. I believe it is time that private industry fund these efforts; and
3. Continual push county departments to become more efficient. I believe improvements can always be made.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.