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Contra Costa County, CA | November 6, 2012 Election |
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BIOGRAPHY continued:By TERRILLYNN J. KOPITARCandidate for Director; Ambrose Recreation and Park District |
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BIOGRAPHY AND FACTSBIOGRAPHY continued: Growing up here in Bay Point I spent much of my time at Ambrose Park, after swim lessons as a small child, I became an Ambrose swim team member. We were the Ambrose "PIGS",(because pigs and swim, didn't ya know) and proud of it. I attended Elementary school in the Community Center, the former Ambrose Elementary School. I attended High School here until it closed in 1976. I have pride in this community and have countless and immeasurable memories here which I cherish, and would like to continue to assist in making this community a pleasant, fun, vibrant, beautiful place for making memories, and enjoying life for you, me, our families lives, and each and every community member. My passion is to work hard on Ambrose Park to make it the outstanding Park that the residents have envisioned, working on the Master Plan, keeping the budget a high priority, on beautifying our parks and the diverse concerns of the community. I want to keep many activities here at the community center and look forward in bringing more exciting and diverse activities and events, trainings, children's activities, safety meetings, senior activities, and holiday events.. Always striving towards improvement for the community to have a place to enjoy including the Community Center, Ambrose Park, and our newly acquired parks. Ambrose Recreation & Park District (ARPD) has annexed Ambrose Park with the City of Pittsburg. No difference in whom and how the park operates and who owns the land. Allows City of Pittsburg to give us money towards pool construction, a large percentage of their residents live near the large Park and use it. Only changes are garbage carrier and local Police responsibility rather than CCC Sherriff, and construction approval by City of Pittsburg rather than Contra Costa County (jurisdiction, construction always requires, legally, that your project goes to your City or County for approval, part of the process). City of Pittsburg doing construction management, financial management, we have a contract with them, as they have resources expertise in this area, all unused funds come back to the District, only being administered by City of Pittsburg with ARPD General Manager approval. We still have full control of the Park and decision making. ARPD has an agreement with CC County, in order to receive current and all future Park Development fee funding, through negotiations, District is taking over the five county owned parks in Bay Point. Including Boeger Park, Lynbrook, View Point, Tradewinds, and Hickory Meadows. We have now grown, and with eagerness and enthusiasm, are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for these newly acquired parks and what they will be for our community. The Ambrose Recreation and Park District reached out to the community and held two public workshops to acquire the community's ideas on what they were interested in for the Master Plan of Ambrose Park, a completely gorgeous state-of-the-art Park was designed from this. The Master Plan was adopted by the Board. It was a pleasure to be involved in this process, even before I was on the ARPD Board. The plan went to the City of Pittsburg for approval, and will be going out for bid. The Park will be built in stages, as was discussed at the Master plan Meetings with the public, and due to funding; it can only be built in stages as we look for more funding to continue to complete the wonderful and stunning new plans. One of the projects in stage one is a water feature, which is somewhat shallow with water sprays, which everyone can enjoy. And we won't have to travel out of town to the larger somewhat crowded water parks. A larger pool will be in another stage of the project. The Ambrose Park Master Plan can be found on ARPD's web page. ARPD is working: The District has created sponsorships, and adopted a new fee schedule which have helped offer community programs and help keep the District increase revenue without more tax dollars. Even in hard times over the past five years the District has spent over $60K in keeping the District infrastructure maintained and in good condition. Maintaining facilities, in good repair, have improved on this greatly over the last few years sense we have a new General Manager (who does a terrific job and works very hard). Created public outreach to produce an Ambrose Park Master Plan with community participation and sought and secured funding sources to begin Phase 1, of the $13 million dollar project. Created partnerships, have made big strides in this area too in co-producing programs and partnering on grant applications. Have increased program revenue and grant funding dramatically. Offering special events, have added Easter Egg hunt, Halloween party, Community Yard Sale, Breakfast with Santa, and Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony in the last three years. Increased youth programs, have added in conjunction with First Five, four children's program areas a year. Worked with youth baseball to have a team practice in Bay Point, are expanding the teen programs in conjunction with East Bay Regional Parks. Have received grants and increased senior programs and have added special holiday events for all major holidays. Bylaws have been updated. Provided reimbursable financial support to create a new Community Garden. The district has put into effect several cost saving programs to help the District manage the budget (reduced staff, reduced maintenance contracts and costs, reduced utility costs and increased program revenue). Replaced playground at Anuta Park with grant funds. Established a Senior exercise class with grant funds. Established a Cane Do Senior class with grant funds. Added numerous concrete picnic benches to Anuta Park with grant funding. Replaced west side sidewalk at community center for safety, including replacing the Ansell Fire System in the kitchen and replacing the mats in the mat room all with grand funds. Renovated the community center carpet, painted walls and patched damaged ceilings with grant funds. Funded new dining room floor with park development fees. Secured $600,000 from the City of Pittsburg for planning and design process on Ambrose Park Master Plan project/pool. Have created District website, facebok page, and twitter account. Have started a bi-yearly newsletter/program brochure. Have built relationships and co-sponsored activities with several non-profits and chambers. Grant for $9,000 from Kaiser Foundation for youth programs. Grant of $5,000 from LMCHD for Senior and Teen programs. Have secured additional annual rentals of center space to increase revenue. Increased awareness of Ambrose programs and facilities in the Bay Point community. Have greatly increased youth programs including sports and special events. Have coordinated volunteer work days for clean up at the Ambrose Center. |
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