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Contra Costa County, CA | November 6, 2012 Election |
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My Philosophy on EducationBy Jack "John" Yeager, JrCandidate for Board Member; Antioch Unified School District |
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What I see as a critical step missing in our students education.Our education system has come to a standstill because of a century of lack of progress. Our educational system when adopted in the early 1900's was to produce workers for industry, so the old adage "Go to school, Find a job, and Retire" doesn't work in today's society. What I will attempt to do (remembering that the board of education is run by majority rule), is adjust the traditional view to include more information to students and parents about relevant business trends and strategies. I will crusade for the inclusion of entrepreneurial skills at the lowest grades. (College is getting out of reach for the average and above average students; why not teach them the skills to create their own businesses?) Remember "student loans" cannot be canceled and must be paid back. Offer after school clubs that feature activities that are age appropriate to raise awareness of business skills, how money works, and opportunities.
Reasons to justify a shift in the evolution of education: |
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