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Measure ALF Density Limit re Assisted Living Facility City of Sierra Madre Ordinance - Majority Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 2 2:20pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (10/10) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | | ||||
Shall an Ordinance be adopted to amend Sierra Madre Municipal Code Section 17.35.040 ("Core Density Limit") of the People's Empowerment Act (aka Measure V) to permit development of an assisted living facility consistent with the Kensington Assisted Living Facility Specific Plan not exceeding two stories, thirty feet in height and seventy-five assisted living suites, for the parcels located at 33 North Hermosa Avenue an 245 West Sierra Madre Boulevard?
Background. Fountain Square Development West has proposed to develop a 60,100 square foot licensed Residential Care Facility for the Elderly, which would accommodate up to 96 seniors, including those with Alzheimer's disease and other memory impairments ("Kensington Assisted Living Facility"). The Kensington Assisted Living Facility is proposed to be located in the Downtown Central Core at the site of a former skilled nursing facility, and will not exceed two stories or 30 feet in height, or 75 residential suites. A residential suite may include one or two bedrooms, a sitting area, a private bathroom and a kitchenette. Residents of the Kensington Assisted Living Facility would be served meals restaurant-style in a common area. The City Council conditionally approved the entitlements for the Kensington Assisted Living Facility on July 24, 2012, subject to voters' approval of a density exception to "Measure V." Proposed Exception to "Measure V". "Measure V" was approved by a citizens' initiative in April 2007. It prohibits development which exceeds two stories, 30 feet in height or 13 dwelling units per acre in the Downtown Central Core. No project which violates the provisions of "Measure V" may be approved without a voter-approved exception to "Measure V." This Measure proposes a narrow exception to the density restriction of "Measure V" (which is located in the Sierra Madre Municipal Code under Chapter 17.35) to apply to the Kensington Assisted Living Facility only, to read as follows: "17.35.040 - Core area deusity limit. ... B. Notwithstanding the density limit set forth in Sub-section A, an assisted living facility which is consistent with the "Kensington (Assisted Living Facility) Specific Plan," which was conditionally approved on July 24, 2012 and on file with the City Oerk of the City of Sierra Madre may be constructed on the parcels located at 33 North Hermosa Avenue (APN 5768-019-043) and 245 West Sierra Madre Blvd. (APN 5768-019-041), which parcels together comprise approximately 1.84 acres." Effect of Vote on this Measure. A "yes" vote on this Measure will amend the density limit of Measure V for the Kensington Assisted living facility only, and will have the effect of approving the Kensington Assisted Living facility project to be constructed at 245 West Sierra Madre Boulevard and 33 North Hermosa. No other parcels subject to Measure V will be affected. A "no" vote on this Measure will maintain the existing text of "Measure V" and will have the effect of disapproving the Kensington Assisted Living Facility project in the Downtown Central Core.
Arguments For Measure ALF |
The proposed Kensington Assisted Living Facility represents an important and
positive development for our community. The Kensington will replace the
blighted skilled nursing facility with an attractive, well-designed structure that
will enhance and beautify this prominent downtown site.
More importantly, the Kensington will provide quality living options for Sierra Madre's seniors that will allow them to continue residing in their beloved community even when assistance with daily living is required. The project will also generate much-needed property tax revenue, and will stimulate local commerce for our downtown businesses. The developer, Fountain Square Properties, has worked with the community to ensure that the project is consistent with Sierra Madre's General Plan, Municipal Code, and the wishes of local residents. The project has been thoroughly vetted through public hearings spanning nine Planning Commission meetings and three City Council Meetings. As a result, modifications were made to improve the design, changing the style to "Santa Barbara Mission" which suits the downtown, adding commercial storefronts, and improving the "walk ability" for pedestrians. Fountain Square is experienced in developing and operating high-quality Assisted Living Facilities such as the proposed Kensington, and has demonstrated remarkable sensitivity to Sierra Madre by asking that this project go to a vote of the people, to gain trust and support within the community. We, the entire City Council, urge Sierra Madre's citizens to support this project. We are proud of the way our review was conducted with substantial input from the citizenry, and are excited for the quality of life improvements that will be offered to our current and future senior residents. In addition, our city will benefit from increased revenue and the stimulation of commerce. This is a breakthrough project for the City of Sierra Madre and our future. Please vote Yes on Measure ALF
(No arguments against Measure ALF were submitted) |