This is an archive of a past election. See for current information. |
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Measure Z School Improvement Bonds Whittier City Elementary School District School Bonds - 55% Approval Required
See Also:
Index of all Measures |
Results as of Dec 2 2:20pm, 100.00% of Precincts Reporting (52/52) |
Information shown below: Impartial Analysis | Arguments | Tax Rate Statement | | ||||
To improve the quality of education, replace deteriorating roofs; improve access to computers and technology; replace old plumbing systems; make health, safety, and handicapped accessibility improvements; replace outdated heating ventilation and cooling systems; modernize outdated classrooms and school facilities; and improve energy efficiency; shall the Whittier City Elementary School District issue $55,000,000 of bonds at legal interest rates, have an independent citizens' oversight committee and have NO money used for administrative or teacher salaries, or taken by the state?
Funds received from the sale of the bonds shall be used only for the specific purposes set forth in the Measure, including improving accessibility; replacing fire alarm systems and repairing fire safety equipment; upgrading and installing security systems including fencing, gates, lighting and cameras; hazardous material abatement; renovations and energy efficient upgrades to roofs, electrical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, plumbing, drainage and sewer systems; upgrading and construction of classrooms, restrooms, science and nature labs, cafeterias and auditoriums; and expand and upgrade technology infrastructure, including computers, computer labs, and audio/visual equipment. No funds may be used for teacher and administrator salaries or any other school operating expenses. Independent performance and financial audits will be performed annually to ensure that the funds received from the sale of the bonds are expended as specified in the Measure. An independent Citizens Oversight Committee will be established within 60 days after the Board enters the election results in accordance with Education Code sections 15278, 15280, and 15282. The Board shall cause the creation of an account in which bond proceeds shall be deposited, and the preparation of an annual report which shall state the amount of bond proceeds received and expended in that year, as well as the status of any projects funded or to be funded by the Measure. The bonds shall bear or accrue interest at a rate not to exceed the legal maximum. The best estimate of the highest tax rate required to fund the bonds, based on the estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing the Tax Rate Statement on the measure, is estimated to be $30.00 annually per $100,000 of the taxable real property located within the District. This Measure requires a fifty-five percent (55%) vote for passage.
Arguments For Measure Z |
Our schools are the most important assets in our community and should be our
number one priority. From higher achieving students, to higher home values, to
greater neighborhood safety, quality schools make a difference. Our teachers and
staff do their best in educating our children, but many classrooms and school
facilities in the Whittier City School District are old and inadequate to provide
students with the school facilities they need to succeed.
Our children need your YES vote on Measure Z! While schools have been well maintained, 30-50 year old classrooms must be upgraded since many do not meet 21st century standards. A local school improvement measure would allow the District to improve the quality of education provided to local children. Therefore, we must invest in our schools so they meet today's safety, technological, and educational standards. If passed, Measure Z will provide funding to make critical facility improvements at local Whittier City Elementary schools by; repairing and/or replacing leaky roofs, improving student access to computers and modern technology, replacing and renovating deteriorating plumbing systems, upgrading inadequate electrical systems, and modernizing outdated classrooms, restrooms, and school facilities. Measure Z makes financial sense and protects taxpayers. By law, all bond funds must be spent locally and cannot be taken by the State. Spending must be reviewed and annually audited by an independent citizens' oversight committee. Funds can only be spent to improve our local schools, not for teacher or administrative salaries. Measure Z upgrades and renovates old and inadequate classrooms, improves the education of local students, and maintains the quality of our community. That's something we can all support. Please join us and Vote Yes On Measure Z!
(No arguments against Measure Z were submitted) |
Tax Rate Statement from RON CARRUTH, Superintendent, Whittier City School District |
An election will be held in the Whittier City School District (the "District") on
November 6, 2012 to authorize the sale of $55,000,000 in general obligation
bonds. The following information is submitted in compliance with Sections
9400-9404 of the California Elections Code.
The best estimate of the tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the first series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $.0300 per $100 ($30.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2013-14. The best estimate of the tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue during the first fiscal year after the sale of the last series of bonds, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing of this statement, is $.0300 per $100 ($30.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation in fiscal year 2017-18. The best estimate of the highest tax rate that would be required to fund this bond issue, based on estimated assessed valuations available at the time of filing this statement, is $.0300 per $100 ($30.00 per $100,000) of assessed valuation. These estimates are based on projections derived from information obtained from official sources. The actual tax rates and the years in which they will apply may vary depending on the timing of bond sales, the amount of bonds sold at each sale and actual increases in assessed valuations. The timing of the bond sales and the amount of bonds sold at any given time will be determined by the needs of the District. Actual assessed valuations will depend upon the amount and value of taxable property within the District as determined in the assessment and the equalization process. Dated: July 16, 2012 |