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Los Angeles County, CA | November 6, 2012 Election |
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Over developmentBy Jonathan MannCandidate for Council Member; City of Santa Monica |
![]() This information is provided by the candidate |
Santa Monica is nearly built-out, and developers are demolishing perfectly god buildings all over the city to build up, especially in the downtown district. The city is running out of space and attempting to increase density by building up!The City Council is allowing contractors to surpass the Land Use and Circulation Element height limit for some properties. The plans in the pipeline for development around the Civic Center, the Promenade, and Santa Monica Place are outrageous, as is the construction planned for the Miramar! The LUCE is exacerbating the problem and creating even more traffic and parking chaos. I have been speaking out against over development for over 20 years. I support a moratorium on growth to curtail future plans already in process, UNLESS approved by residents in the neighborhood of the project. I do support allowing single family home owners to remodel their homes, within reason and without unnecessary delay and expense. The present City Council and many of the candidates, (especially those with slick mailers, signs, big name endorsements and financial contributions), have sold out the residents of this city to special interests. I have no such contributions or endorsements and seek only to represent the residents, especially those of us who are fed up with the arrogance and incompetence of our City Council. The City Council continues to reward special interests, especially those who endorse and contribute to their re-election. Various city departments and commissions are only concerned with keeping their budgets and support those candidates most likely to protect the bureaucracy. Santa Monica Renters Rights, (SMRR), is an entrenched political machine with only 200 members and a 13 member steering committee that has abused its power to elect a majority of the Council. SMRR is also compromised by supporting candidates endorsed by city employees and outside developers. If elected, I would audit the entire city budget on line and investigate SMRR members, sitting and past council members, their family, friends and cronies, who are profiting in any way from development, city contracts, heading public agencies and receiving consultant fees. It is an egregious conflict of interest to receive any financial consideration or endorsement from anyone who receives funding, or works for the city. I also have serious concerns about the city subsidizing past city council, commissioners etc., who are profiting from the revolving door... The incompetence on the Planning Commission and other commissions, and the conflict of interest involving the Architecture Review Board are just the tip of the iceberg. What does it say about the electorate if they continue to turn a blind eye while development consultants, architects, school district and city employees can be elected to the Council and not recuse themselves from voting on city funded projects? |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: October 28, 2012 17:35
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