This information is provided by the candidate
My political philosophy is fiscal responsibility through careful, long-term planning.
Serving on the board of a water agency is not a simple thing. The learning curve is steep, the issues are complex and technical, and decisions made by the Board have lasting consequences for the entire community. Although we have been successful, we face future challenges to our water supply. My entire professional life has prepared me for this office.
I have lived for more than 20 years in the heart of the west side of Costa Mesa, where I am an active member of my community continually seeking to make things a little better. I am grateful that I can live in this wonderful area and have a sincere desire and ability to give back.
As a Director, I have been transformative. MCWD is a very different from when I was first elected to now. Always good, MCWD is now an award winning agency that is the most cost effective in the county. I would like to continue in the quest to make MCWD the best water agency in the state. My fellow board members have confidence in me and have repeatedly elected me as Board President.
Throughout my time as a Director and Board President, through my persistent and ongoing emphasis on long-term planning and steady leadership on each of these issues the District has:
- Achieved a 100% local and reliable supply of water that is less costly and more energy efficient than imported water from the Colorado River or northern California. Mesa's facility on Gisler Avenue is the first to tap the colored water aquifer and make this source available to our rate payers.
- Carried no unfunded pension obligations-- I support fair and reasonable pensions for our employees that are properly funded and do not overly burden our ratepayers.
- Right-sized staff levels by innovating, improving technology, and prudent outsourcing-- At MCWD, the Board and staff did this by carefully studying what we do, finding out where we perform best, and focusing on that. We have done this collaboratively, without public rancor, with respect for our employees, and with consistent emphasis on maintaining a high quality working environment. In some areas, MCWD staff is 20% less costly than outsourcing. In other areas, outsourcing is a better choice. The key has been careful study and emphasis by the Board on continuous improvement.
- Developed and Maintained necessary infrastructure replacement funds-- I brought this idea of planned and orderly replacement to the district and have been its primary champion throughout my tenure. The reason for this is that studies show this technique results in the best quality system at the lowest long term cost with the least rate shock to the customers.
- Provided Consistently Excellent Customer Service-- The Board has made this one of the six goals in our strategic plan that governs all actions of the district. Our customers consistently communicate about our caring and efficient staff. We answer the phones. We listen and we care.
- Achieved a AAA credit rating-- Only four agencies in Orange County have this and we borrow only when it makes the most economic sense for the long term. From day one, I have supported long term budgeting and planning. This excellent credit rating will save the district's customers millions in interest payments over the long term.
The District has done this and more while having the lowest cost per person of any water agency in Orange County as documented in a financial analysis of water agencies by Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. This study can be found at