The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Labor Negotiations,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experience and training would you bring to this office?
Answer from Adrienne Grey:
I bring excellent listening and problem-solving skills accumulated in my 30-year management career, along with a familiarity with the District that I have gained in serving four years on the West Valley-Mission Board. I also bring my passionate enthusiasm for protecting public higher education in California to empower the lives of our citizens and fuel a healthy ecomony.
Answer from Ron Bonhagen:
Ron has lived and worked in the South Bay for over 5 years and has experience both as a small business owner and a community volunteer. Ron has business experience working for small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies and today he owns a small business. Ron's community leadership background includes leadership roles with neighborhood and citizen's associations in Campbell. Ron, his wife, Penny, and their two children ages 6 and 1 live in the Pruneyard Dry Creek neighborhood in Campbell.
2. What do you see as the role of the Board in labor negotiations?
Answer from Ron Bonhagen:
The role of the Board should be more of an oversight role in labor negotiations and the Board should not have a direct role. I see the Boards role is to ensure the effective and efficient use of public funds in all aspects of expenditures.
Answer from Adrienne Grey:
The Board provides guidance to the District negotiating team, and ultimately votes whether or not to accept negotiated contract terms with each of the bargaining units. Issues of Board concern are ensuring the continued fiscal stability of the District, while balancing the interests of students, employees, and community stakeholders.
3. What are your goals for the college? Are students, faculty and staff currently meeting those goals?
Answer from Ron Bonhagen:
My goals, as Trustee, are for: 1) the effective use of public funds to ensure the future success of the students, the district and the community that the district serves with an emphasis on fiscal responsibility, 2) an independent approach free from special interest groups, and 3) ensuring the long term success of students and future generations of students. As your trustee, I will work with our colleges to provide the best educational opportunities that benefit all members of our community.
Answer from Adrienne Grey:
1. Balanced budget and responsible fiscal stewardship in a challenging funding climate.
The immediate past Chancellor of WVM has done an excellent job assembling a fine administrative team and process for careful and thorough budgetary control. Our budget is balanced, though of course still dependent on funding from the state, and particularly on whether or not Proposition 30 passes. Regardless, our Board and our new Chancellor are committed to maintaining a balanced budget.
2. Protecting our core mission of student success: college transfer, career/technical ed, and basic skills.
In order to meet the needs of business in the growing high-tech economy, California Community Colleges will need to increase their number of graduates by 1 million students by the year 2020. The Student Success Taskforce assembled by the Community College League of California to take on this challenge has developed a list of recommendations to focus and prioritize courses and support services that lead to student success. These recommendations are now being addressed in the State Legislature and will take shape as laws that effect our colleges. Trustees across the state have been closely watching and preparing their institutions for pending changes.
3. Fostering alternate funding sources, so our colleges remain fiscally sound and affordable for all.
I have been and will continue working with the WVM Advancement Foundation to explore ways to increase our District endowment. Thanks to Measure C, the new and refurbished buildings on both campuses, along with our upcoming 50th Anniversary celebrations, will provide excellent opportunities for naming rights, memorials, and other giving opportunities for those who value the education our colleges provide.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. Please answer each question in no more than 400 words.
Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.