The questions were prepared by the Leagues of Women Voters of Santa Clara County and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Financial Situation,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What experience or training do you have which would help the District meet its goals?
Answer from Garnetta Joy Annable:
Since 1994 it has been my pleasure to serve as District 4 Director of the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority. My prior community service on the joint implementation committee that founded the Open Space Authority, together with my nine years serving as Santa Clara County Parks Commissioner provide me with experience and training to do the best job for our community. The joint implementation committee was comprised of business, development, agricultural, citizen, City and County representatives. Through my service, I became well informed of our community's goals in establishing the Authority. My years of service and education as a Commissioner have been key to contributing to and adopting important acquisition policies, land use policies, and administrative polices.
Answer from Dorsey Moore:
The focus of my life's work is creating sustainable communities through preserving open space, sustainable agriculture, local economic development, empowering under-resourced young adults, environmental justice, and valuing the diversity in our local community. For the past 25 years I have worked in the nonprofit, business and government sectors making local communities more sustainable places to live, work and play.
My professional experience includes managing environmental conservation projects (e.g., urban street tree planting, construction of community gardens, riparian corridor restoration, trail construction and maintenance, park restoration, graffiti abatement, storm water pollution prevention, and urban blight reduction) and developing local policies to use market forces to drive environmental protection and local economic development.
As a volunteer I have served on the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority (OSA) + Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) since 2005 including three years as chairperson. My work has helped the Board of Directors understand how OSA can position itself to be a leader in driving regional policies and programs that not only encourage protecting the remaining open space land we have left, but also promote local economic development. Since 2003 I am have volunteered for Santa Clara County Parks in the adopt-a-trail program.
In 2007, I earned my MBA in Sustainable Management from the Presidio School of Management and a BA in geology/geography from Denison University.
Answer from Benjamin T. "Ben" Cogan:
As a BSA Eagle scout I understand the outdoors. As an automotive technician I diagnose and solve problems. I will apply my love for the outdoors and my experience solving problems to the issues our district is facing.
2. What is your evaluation of the financial condition of the District?
Answer from Benjamin T. "Ben" Cogan:
Open Space Authority uses their funding on easements, the acquisition of new land, and the development of parks and trails. The total balance in the OSA account at the end of the previous fiscal year was almost 2 Million dollars. That is 2 million dollars that could go to the community. It is important that we reevaluate the role of government. I would like to analyze the spending and necessity of the land said being preserved. My goal is to find a solution that saves money, protects open space, and provides Americans a way to own land without destroying open space. My goal is to save the taxpayers money and protect property rights.
Answer from Dorsey Moore:
The Districts main challenge is its budget size; a $4 million dollar annual budget will not allow it to fulfill its organizational mission. By joining forces with organizations, special districts and agencies with common or related community goals, OSA can leverage its resources to have a greater impact. OSA has had some success with this in the past, but it could do better in the area.
Ideally organizations should have a diverse set of revenue streams to reduce the budgetary impact if one revenue stream is eliminated. Over 90% of OSA's operating revenue comes from Benefit Assessment District #1. The Open Space Authority should develop a financial strategic plan that would include a diverse spectrum of revenue sources.
I committed to helping to diversify OSA's funding base by looking into earned income revenue streams that will make it less dependent on public money.
Answer from Garnetta Joy Annable:
The Authority currently has annual revenue of $4.3 million. With judicious management of revenues, partnerships and reserves we have accomplished much. Strategic planning is needed now to plan for our future.
3. In what ways would you collaborate with other governmental entities and community groups to achieve the District's goals?
Answer from Dorsey Moore:
I believe OSA can play a critical role in creating a sustainable Santa Clara County. OSA is uniquely positioned to have a significant influence on how we manage and integrate our local resources. Opportunities abound in collaborating with other governmental entities on traditional environmental protection issues (e.g., open space preservation, trails, habitat conservation, etc.). Through collaboration among similar organizations there can be economies of scale, which will allow all agencies to make more efficient use of existing resources.
I am committed to pursuing new opportunities for collaboration that are emerging in the healthcare/wellness, local sustainable agriculture, local economic development areas. By leveraging historically "fractured" community assets in innovative ways we can create and demonstrate value to multiple regional stakeholders.
I believe there is a way to leverage public and private resources to not only protect open space, but also to increase community health/wellness and strengthen the local economy as well.
My knowledge of the organization, key regional players, and understanding how to create regional, cross-sector collaborations will help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the agency.
Answer from Garnetta Joy Annable:
Shared visions for our community remain critical to collaboration and success. Trusted leadership and management is critical. Committment to long term goals by all is imperitative. I will continue to support participation of other governmental entities and community groups in our Strategic Planning and future implementation. Urban trials and the County's Habitat Conservation Plan are important areas that will need collaboration with government entities, community groups and the private landowners to succeed.
Answer from Benjamin T. "Ben" Cogan:
I will preserve nature and preserve property rights. I will host community meetings and gather opinions from the public to determine the District's goals. My main collaboration is with the people of Santa Clara County. I will collaborate with any governmental entities and groups that meet the public District's goals.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. Please answer each question in no more than 400 words.
Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.