The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Health care,
Campaign financing
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. In this time of high unemployment, what are the most important steps that should be taken to improve our nation’s economy?
Answer from John Garamendi:
We need to bring high paying jobs back to the United States. I am working to achieve this through protecting and growing the agriculture industry, improving our water, flood protection and transportation systems, advancing clean energy technology, education and research. I have been a champion of the Make It In America agenda which requires that your tax dollars be spent on American-made equipment for use in transportation and energy projects, not on foreign made trains, buses, solar cells or wind turbines.
2. How should the federal budget deficit be addressed, now and into the future? How should budget priorities for defense and domestic programs be adjusted?
Answer from John Garamendi:
We must responsibly reduce the federal deficit. First create jobs and get the middle class back to work, then create a fair tax system by ending corporate tax loop holes and restore the tax rates on millionaires and billionaires to the levels they were at during the Clinton presidency, end the war in Afghanistan, end wasteful government spending, and allow Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices and import drugs from Canada to create competition and reduce costs.
3. What are your priorities with respect to our nation’s energy policy? Should there be an emphasis on clean energy and reducing carbon emissions, and/or on reducing our dependence on foreign sources?
Answer from John Garamendi:
Reducing our dependence on foreign oil and promoting clean energy are in no way mutually exclusive. We must continue energy conservation programs, advance renewable clean energy systems, continue working to find safer, more efficient methods of extracting oil and natural gas while also investing in research in alternative energy sources. One thing we do not need to do is continue giving billions of dollars of tax subsidies each year to big oil companies that are making record profits.
4. What, if any, changes should be made to federal health care policies or programs?
Answer from John Garamendi:
We are already beginning to see positive effects from health care reform. Thanks to the Patient's Bill of Rights, almost 33 million seniors and 54 million privately insured Americans received free preventative health screenings and 2.5 million young adults gained affordable health insurance. I continue to support including a public option and allowing Medicare to directly negotiate drug prices. Both of the changes would create competition and put additional pressure on insurance and pharmaceutical companies to better serve consumers.
5. What, if any, changes should be made to federal rules on campaign financing?
Answer from John Garamendi:
There is nothing more corrosive to our democracy than hidden special interest money used to control elections. The Citizens United Supreme Court Case created a fundamental threat to our democracy by allowing unregulated secret campaign contributions in any amount. I am proud to have supported the DISCLOSE Act in 2010 that created better transparency in political advertising and campaign contribution and will continue to support efforts comprehensive campaign finance reform.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as
submitted. References to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.