The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Administration of justice
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office? (50 Word limit)
Answer from Pam Thomas:
- BA Degree/Sociology/University of Cincinnati
- MBA Degree/Sullivan University
- Intake/Hearing officer -Private Complaint Program
- Ohio Civil Rights Commission
- Director - Minority Women's Employment Division
- District Manager -Department of Commerce/Census Bureau
- Bailiff - Municipal/Common Pleas Court
- Administrator/Ombudsman - Cincinnati Public Schools
- Licensed real estate....
- Notary Public
Answer from Tracy Winkler:
As the current Clerk of Courts, I have had great success in increasing revenue through outstanding debt collection and instituted mandatory e-filing, saving the taxpayers resources. I also have been working with the judges to create new revenue sources that will make the criminals pay instead of the taxpayers.
2. What plans do you have to address your top three priorities? (100 word limit)
Answer from Tracy Winkler:
I have had great success in increasing revenue in 2012 by cracking down on deadbeat bond agents, collecting $1,500,000 for taxpayers. I instituted a new policy stating that those agents that owe money cannot do business in Hamilton County. I will continue to look for and go after those people who are cheating the system. The institution of new technology, like e-filing, is a priority.I want to continue to save the taxpayers money and serve the county residents with honesty and integrity.
Answer from Pam Thomas:
The Clerk of Courts office is about serving people, not politics. Therefore I plan to hire the best and the most qualifed individuals regardless of political persuasion.
I also plan to apply 21st century technology in the management and archiving of records.
Every citizen that enters the clerk's office is a "Customer" and should be treated as such. Therefore as former Director of Customer Service for Cincinnati Public Schools, I will apply my 15 years of expertise to create a citizen friendly environment that will promote trust, openness and transparency.
3. What specific changes would you like to see in the administration of justice in Hamilton County? (100 word limit)
Answer from Pam Thomas:
With a Master's Degree in Business Administration, graduating summa cum laude, I would like to see a business model approach to managing the system. I would like to implement business applications such as a swot analsyis and six sigma to increase efficiencies and reduce overall operating cost to the taxpayers.
These are very difficult times economically and it is critically important that those entrusted with the management of taxpayer dollars do so in a very prudent and fiscally responsible manner. Additionally, I would like to see a reduction in the size of government by sharing of services between elected officials....
Answer from Tracy Winkler:
The greatest concern for everyone involved in the Justice System is the jail over crowding. We have insufficient space to house criminals. Criminals are often released prior to the police officers completing necessary paperwork. Criminals are also unlikely to pay fines because there is no penalty of incarceration. I would like to see more jail space. It would increase public safety and needed county revenue.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted.
Answers will be cut off if they exceed a word limit, if present. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.