The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Pressing issues,
Addressing issues
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office? (50 Word limit)
Answer from Sean D. Donovan:
I have over three decades of management, business and law enforcement experience. As Chief Deputy, I have run the daily operations of the Sheriff's Office for the past 15 years including: Operating the budget and working with Commissioners to ensure the availability of resources to keep Hamilton County residents safe.
Answer from Jim Neil:
I am a Law Enforcement Professional with over 30 years experience with the Sheriff's Office. I have a degree in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, and Urban Police Management and Corrections Management. I have over 4,000 hours of relative job training and education including the School of Police Staff and Command.
2. What plans do you have to address your top three priorities? (100 word limit)
Answer from Sean D. Donovan:
My plan includes making the safety of Hamilton County residents a top priority, keeping your family safe, reducing violent crime, and keeping criminals off the streets. This will be done by effectively managing the budget in the most efficient manner to provide the most patrols on the streets and the most effective way to uphold the law. I will continue to do this by working with the commissioners ensuring that they are aware of the needs of the department in order to provide the upmost safety within the County.
Answer from Jim Neil:
First, immediately hire a specialized agency to conduct a financial and operational audit of the Sheriff's Office. Second, consolidate sections and divisions within the office to eliminate duplication of services and management staff providing a more effective and fiscally responsible office. Third, reestablish the relationship with the Hamilton County Police Association and share services and resources, both equipment and personnel. This will provide a higher level of quality service at a reduced cost to the citizens of Hamilton County.
3. What are the two most pressing issues you will face if you are elected? (100 word limit)
Answer from Jim Neil:
First is dealing with a shrinking budget while the call for service in our neighborhoods remain constant and require adequate patrol services. Second is the concern over a lack of sufficient jail space.
Answer from Sean D. Donovan:
The County's budget cuts and the overcrowded jail.
4. How will you address each of those issues? (100 word limit)
Answer from Jim Neil:
First we have to conduct an audit of the department. It's time for a fresh pair of eyes to take a "look under the hood." This will help in identifying where I can consolidate or eliminate services and restructure the command staff. I will get by with "less chiefs" and put more boots on the ground. Jail overcrowding will not go away. Regardless of the size of the facility we have, courts will always sentence to capacity. We need to work with the courts on alternative sentencing programs. Electronic Monitoring for non-violent misdemeanant offenders is much more cost effective.
Answer from Sean D. Donovan:
The best way to handle these issues is to effectively manage the budget and utilize the available resources in the most efficient manner. I has over 15 years experience working with the budget in Hamilton County and with the commissioners providing them the information necessary so that they can provide the department with the resources that are needed to keep the County Safe. I will continue to ensure that the commissioners have all of the information necessary. Additionally I want plan to increase the relationships between the Sheriff's office and other law enforcement agencies to make sure that we are....
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted.
Answers will be cut off if they exceed a word limit, if present. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.