The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Federal Budget,
Business and Environment,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. With strong pressure to reduce expenditures, where would you make significant cuts in the federal budget? Increases?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
While I oppose cutting benefits for Ohioans who rely on Social Security and Medicare, I support several approaches to reducing spending: allow Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices; reform farm programs to save $23 billion, and end $20 billion in subsidies to oil companies reaping huge profits. I support investments in our roads, bridges, and water systems, to save money in the long run and put Ohioans to work to help grow our economy. We should invest in educational opportunities to our children by supporting our teachers rather than demonizing them, and providing grants and affordable loans for higher education. And I was proud to vote to keep taxes low for middle-class families while asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share to help reduce our deficit.
Answer from Josh Mandel:
We need massive reductions in our spending that reduce the deficit by significant margins in the next few years and allow us to actually pay down the debt shortly thereafter. We do not need budget gimmicks that promise to cut spending while actually allowing for increases in spending. There has been far too large of a gap between rhetoric on cutting spending and actual cuts in spending in Washington today. This needs to change.
2. How would you balance the interests of citizens, the environment and the business community?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
I reject the false choice between protecting the health of Ohio's families and expanding job opportunities for the middle-class and I have worked hard to confer with business interests and citizen groups about how we can create jobs in manufacturing and energy while protecting the environment. I have tried to strike that balance by organizing a job fair with Chesapeake Energy to recruit Ohioans looking to move into the energy field and why I have also support local officials when they have expressed concerns about the environmental impacts of drilling in their communities. Working together with business and local communities, I believe Ohio can be a leader in energy jobs, particularly green energy, while making sure that our drinking water and air
are safe for Ohio's children and families.
Answer from Josh Mandel:
Affordable, abundant and reliable energy is critical for a growing economy. It is not only essential to fuel our cars and heat our homes, it is instrumental to every aspect of the American economy, from agriculture, to retail, to transportation, to manufacturing.
America is blessed to have abundant natural resources beneath our country. Washington politicians refuse to do what is needed to allow us to develop these resources, reduce our energy costs, and move toward energy independence.
While protecting the air we breathe, water we drink and environment for future generations, it is important that we embark on aggressive and responsible exploration of our natural resources. This exploration is a "win-win-win", for new jobs, affordable energy and natural security.
3. How would you address concerns about immigration?
Answer from Sherrod Brown:
I think we must continue to find ways to strengthen our border security, not just to stem illegal immigration but also to guard against terrorism, trafficking in drugs and humans, and other illicit activities. To achieve that, most importantly we need to enforce our immigration laws with regards to both illegal immigrants and employers that illegally hire workers.
Answer from Josh Mandel:
First and foremost, I strongly believe in legal immigration to the United States. Many years ago, my grandparents immigrated to America by following the laws of this nation, worked hard, and provided a better life for their children and grandchildren in pursuit of the American dream.
America is a nation built upon a shared respect for the rule of law. In respect to illegal immigration, I believe that we need to protect our borders and enforce immigration laws that are already on the books. For this reason, I do not support amnesty.
If individuals want to pursue the American dream and live in this country, they should do so following the rule of law.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Answers will be cut off
if they exceed a word limit, if present. Direct references to opponents are not permitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.