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I disagree in the decisions that our community leaders have made. In the opinion of Community Members I have spoken with and my own, the basic goals of the Councils activities have been substituted with agendas that our out-of-touch with the needs of the Community as a whole. This is to say, I want to get us back to "Doing the Math" in streamlining our process, overhead and resources and direction. This overhaul is long overdue for what ever reason, this is not a "Finger Pointing" but an urgent "Reassessment" redistribution on the pragmatic role and actions of the City Council.
A Community Leader needs to be in touch with the community and it's needs. As well as care and understand the responsibilities that are a requirements to achieve the Community's goals.
Greener solutions in cost, resource management, Traffic, Employment, Small & Medium Sized Business
This City has made it hard for small Business owner and property owner to even work and live in this City, but it is time for change for a brighter future.
This is what leadership should be and I would be.
I would be honored to serve as the next LA City Council Man.