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Los Angeles County, CA | March 5, 2013 Election |
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Fiscal ResponsibilityBy Andrew SaregaCandidate for Council Member; City of La Mirada |
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Some of the fiscal issues currently plaguing the city.La Mirada has always been known as a fiscally conservative city that prides itself on balanced budgets and community services. However, these accolades are arguably no longer applicable to our city. The city council proposed Measure I which would increase the sales tax by one percent for any products purchased within the city. This tax applies only to businesses within La Mirada as well as residents of La Mirada. For example, if a La Mirada resident were to purchase a vehicle in Orange County which historically has lower tax rates than Los Angeles County, that resident would be on the hook for the sales tax rate in La Mirada. Given the recent propositions that have passed at the state level, La Mirada can now boast a new title as one of the highest taxed cities in the nation! I, as a resident was concerned not only with the measure the city council placed on the ballot, but the manner in which they attempted to portray the tax to the residents. In the wording of all pamphlets, calls, and information disseminated to residents, Measure I was stated as a one cent tax increase on purchases within the city. This firstly is misleading as the measure did not call for a one cent tax increase, but a one PERCENT tax increase on all purchases made within the city. I would call this nothing less than a misleading attempt to sell residents on a tax increase the city should have never needed in the first place. The residents were generous in approving the measure; however now we need someone that will make sure the money is spent in a correct manner and what it was intended for. Fiscal responsibility starts with accepted criticism of failed actions or policies adopted by those in leadership positions. One such example of a failed policy is the Alondra development plan put together by the city council. Using emanate domain the city took land from businesses they deemed to be an eye sore or bad for the city itself. Over ten plots of land were purchased to the tune of approximately $12 million. The city then provided the land to a developer for the price of $5 million dollars for a $7 million dollar lose to the residents of the city. Now the city faces a fiscal crisis, but the crisis started long ago with mismanaged money and poor decisions. Now where businesses once stood that generated property tax and sales tax revenues, the city wants to put 41 new homes that do not generate sales tax and cost the city extra money in services provided. Not to mention the added congestion that will bring to the area that many kids walk home from Escalona Elementary School. To paint the picture as clearly as possible there exists a plot of land equal in size to the Alondra one the city bought just north of the Alondra plot. In the same size lot that holds 9 homes the city wants to place 41 new homes almost five times the amount that area should hold. I am an opponent of these fiscally irresponsible policies and look to correct the wrongs done not only to the businesses that once stood there, but also to the current residents that must live with the coming issues. There are numerous other business centers within the city that are in desperate need of renovation. The Home Depot Center for example has been deteriorating for years. Moreover the city has been losing large amounts of money in sales tax and property tax due to the state of those properties. It is inconceivable for a city that prides itself on being business friendly to allow business within the city to reach such unacceptable states. The Marshall's business complex on Santa Gertrudes / Imperial Hwy needs to be renovated in order to attract not only businesses, but also customers to the area. Those same customers who now look to cities like La Habra, Brea, and Fullerton for their consumer needs. Lastly I honestly believe the new tax increase within the city will do more harm for the residents of the city than it ever will do good. If anyone thinks a business would be anxious to come to a city that has higher tax rates than surrounding cities and can only offer old shopping centers is sadly fooling themselves. Even residents will look to neighboring cities to do their shopping where tax rates are over 2% lower and shopping options are much better. The residents need and deserve a voice in city council that understands the challenges businesses face today. I have seen both sides of the public / private sector coin. While working as a police officer I was able to start my own business and attend Cal State University, Fullerton fulltime to earn by bachelor's degree. I possess the knowledge and motivation to do what is right in order to make La Mirada a better place to live and the gold standard of surrounding areas. Hindsight may be 20/20, but I believe the issue of the water park Splash must be brought to the forefront again to illustrate ineffective city policies. Splash was built during a time of economic prosperity with approximately $40 million of city funds. Despite the economic boom there were signs at that time that a crisis was looming. Every truthful expert said the housing bubble would burst and some took steps to ensure they would not be as affected by the coming crisis. I along with many other residents of La Mirada questioned the need or value of a water park in La Mirada especially given the stiff competition from surrounding amusement water parks. Looking back at the situation that money would have been better used repairing deteriorating infrastructure within the city and this fiscal emergency could have been avoided. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: January 14, 2013 05:33
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