The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Specific Goals,
Management/Budget Experience,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. Describe your specific goals if you should become a Community College Trustee.
Answer from David Vela:
1. Improve course availability by shifting resources from large bureaucratic operations to the classroom.
2. Increase transfer rate to UC and Cal State for those students who are pursuing a bachelor's degree.
3. Cut wasteful spending.
4. Create an educational "task force" made up of students, professors and community to hold college presidents and the chancellor accountable.
5. Increase the authority of all construction oversight committees to monitor bond and spending.
6. Advocate for students.
Answer from Nancy Pearlman:
As a Trustee, I continue to work to make the Los Angeles Community College District the best in the nation. The Board must make policies that encourage student completion of their degree and credential programs, that keep the nine colleges accredited, and that provide the necessary classes. Proper faculty ratios should be maintained and the best administrators hired. The successful completion of the bond building and facility renovation is crucial and should be done economically and ecologically.
2. What experience in general management, fiscal management and budgetary oversight would you bring to the job of Trustee?
Answer from David Vela:
As a current school board member I carefully implemented budget plans that reduced spending at the administrative level while saving vital resources in the classroom. For the last five years I have overseen the fiscal and budgetary aspects of the Montebello Unified School District. I manage the work of our Superintendents and Asst. Superintendents. I have a clear understanding of my fiduciary responsibilities as well as my jurisdiction as a board member which is to hold the Superintendents accountable and ensure their performance. I have ensured that the district continues to increase API and APY scores amid budget restraints and socio-economic conditions of our district. With a 90 percent free or reduced lunch program we continue to move forward with a 90 percent graduation rate and a 97 percent attendance rate district wide. I also worked ten years as a Sr. Aide to an LA County Supervisor where I managed large capital projects, oversaw Parks and Recreation, Law Enforcement and Public Works for Unincorporated areas. All of my projects were delivered on time and under budget. Furthermore as a Chief of Staff to an Assemblymember, I am in charge of committee staff and other staff as well as manage the member's budget and oversee our state budget for the member.
Answer from Nancy Pearlman:
As a trustee for twelve years, I have had the experience of voting on billion dollar budgets yearly and have routinely promoted fiscal oversight, cost savings, and management review. As a community college instructor, I know how important it is to have faculty participation in our decision-making budget process and have supported a restructuring of our college budget allocations. I bring experience of having gone to one of our community colleges, having taught in the District and being committed to the academic community (this is not a political stepping stone).
3. What kind of decisions can the Chancellor and College Presidents make on their own and what matters should require approval by the Community College Board?
Answer from Nancy Pearlman:
The Board of Trustees is responsible for creating policies and approving the budget and contracts within our shared governance system. The Chancellor represents the Board and is involved in the daily operations. The College Presidents report to the Chancellor. Depending on the issue, some decisions should be made by the Board and others at the college level.
Answer from David Vela:
The Chancellor and the College Presidents should make daily operation decisions as well as decisions that improve the college experience for our students. Implementing curriculum and designing smart practices to increase the educational goals of our students. Any approval of expenditures that affect the general budget need to be approved by the College Board not individual college presidents. One college should not have more resources than the other due to their relationships with the Chancellor. All decisions with the hiring and firing of College Presidents should stay with the board. Budget and construction programs need to be approved by the board.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.