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Full Biography for Ron Galperin
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Ron Galperin is an attorney, business owner, community leader + and a recognized expert on Los Angeles municipal government and finance. With the values of hard work and forward thinking he learned from his immigrant parents, he has applied his knowledge and commitment to serve numerous charitable, political, neighborhood, and community organizations. Ron has served as Chair of the City of L.A. Commission on Revenue Efficiency (CORE) + tasked with reforming how the City generates revenue and funds operations + and is President of the City of L.A. Quality and Productivity Commission. He is also a member of the County of L.A. Quality & Productivity Commission and the Bel Air-Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council. He is active as a supporter, fundraiser, advisor, and board member of diverse charitable, community, equality, social service, business, and governmental organizations. Ron currently serves on the United Way / L.A. Area Chamber of Commerce Homelessness Task Force + Home for Good + and recently served as Chair of the L.A. Jewish Federation's Fed Up With Hunger initiative. As an attorney, Ron has built a strong transactional and litigation practice, and is an often-cited expert. He is a frequent public speaker and a passionate educator + teaching diverse classes in civics and other subjects. His experience as a journalist is highlighted by hundreds of articles and opinion pieces he has authored for The Los Angeles Times and many other local and national publications. Ron has started and managed several successful businesses, and he has served as a Cantor for more than 25 years -- including two decades at a congregation in Los Angeles. Ron is a more-than 25-year resident of Los Angeles and has received a broad range of awards and honors. He has been lauded in the editorial pages of The Los Angeles Times as a leader who "impresses us" and is "good for the city". Most recently, Ron was named and recognized as a "Forward Thinker" by the Golden State's premier and non-partisan government reform group, California Forward, which said: "We believe in people like Ron Galperin, whose belief in the possibility of a more cost-effective and responsible government keeps him ahead of the curve as an innovator." For a PDF version of Ron's Bio click here. |
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Created from information supplied by the candidate: March 29, 2013 18:40
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