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Marin County, CA | November 5, 2013 Election |
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GEORGE GORDON - CANDIDATEBy George Bruce GordonCandidate for Council Member; City of Mill Valley |
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ISSUES I CONSIDER IMPORTANTI have been a Mill Valley resident since 1968 and I am proud of the town that I have called home for more than 45 years. I treasure Mill Valley's natural beauty, its friendly small town atmosphere, its vibrancy, vitality and optimistic spirit. I have raised my two children in Mill Valley, and last year I moved my business, WASI Investment Advisors, from San Francisco to East Blithedale..... frankly, a move I should have made years ago. Although I like to travel for business and explore foreign countries, coming home to Mill Valley is always the best part of the trip. Over the years, I have been an active participant in our community. I know the value of the public school system; both my children enjoyed an excellent education in the Mill Valley public schools and went on to UC Berkeley and USF. As a small business owner, I understand the need to support local businesses. I have always been a strong advocate for environmental sustainability. My recent trip to China made me acutely aware of the necessity to maintain my unwavering support for environmentally sound practices to safeguard the health and future of not only our community, but also the Planet. I am committed to see the arts and recreation thrive in Mill Valley and I want your children, our grandchildren and many future generations to continue to enjoy a safe and healthy living environment in the town we call our home. Specifically, I am a candidate for the Mill Valley City Council because in the next few years, I believe Mill Valley needs to address a few longterm challenges that I can bring a much needed level of experience to the council: 1. Pension Plan reform Mill Valley has a Pension Plan Fund as well as a Plan that is referred to as "OPEB" Other Post Employment Benefits. The latter provides medical and dental benefits for retired city employees. In recent years, Mill Valley has taken significant steps to bring its Pension Plan Fund on sound financial footing through the issuing of a bond and a few benefit adjustments. The Pension Plan is now funded at approximately the 90% level. However, OPEB is a different story. According to the actuarial report (issued by Bickmore Risk Services & Consulting + BRS) as of June 2012, the OPEB has an unfunded Liability of approximately $19 million. Having worked in the field of Retirement Planning and Funding for more than 45 years, in my opinion, this unfunded liability poses an unacceptable risk to Mill Valley's long term financial health and stability. As a member of the Mill Valley City Council, I intend to work with all parties involved to significantly reduce this liability. 2. ABAG and Plan Bay Area China provides insight into what results from central planning and loss of local control; it's not anything I would like to see take place here. Plan Bay Area, proposed by ABAG threatens to take away local initiative and autonomy. In return for financial assistance, ABAG becomes the primary decision maker in the development and construction of local projects which in their opinion will benefit the Bay Area community. However, Plan Bay Area gives unprecedented authority and decision making power to ABAG while curtailing local input. Very much along the Chinese model. I believe Plan Bay Area to be a Faustian bargan and as a member of the Mill Valley Council I will propose that Mill Valley, like other communities such as Corte Madera, to withdraw from ABAG and Plan Bay Area. 3. Miller Avenue Streetscape Plan
So far, budget shortages have prevented the Miller Streetscape Plan from being implemented. The Mill Valley community has worked for many years on this and it is now too extensive and too expensive. I believe that with some sensible adjustments Miller Streetscape Plan can move forward. We can only afford some of these improvements, not the whole wish list. If you would like to help me get this message out to the community and help me institute fiscally responsible measures over the coming years, I need your vote. I also need your financial assistance. All funds will be used for street signs, informational brochures and mailings for the election. HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH ME: PHONE: 415-383-7598 (home) 415-888-3496 (WASI office) EMAIL - CONTRIBUTIONS Payable to: George Gordon For MVCC, Please send to George Gordon, 700 E. Blithedale suite 1, Mill Valley, CA 94941 NAME____________________________________EMAIL_______________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________CITY____________________ I WOULD LIKE A YARD SIGN_______I WOULD LIKE TO HELP______________ PHONE______________________________BEST TIME TO CALL_______________ |
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