The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Basic Services,
Citizen Engagement
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office?
Answer from Regina A. Collins:
I have a Law Degree. I served the Ohio Attorneys General Office in the areas of Business, Corporation, Taxation, Bankruptcy, Real Estate, Decedent's Estate, and Employment Laws. I practiced law as a sole practioner for 13 years in these areas listed along with Criminal, Civil and Entertainment Laws as well.
Answer from Diana J. Herbe:
I have served on Council for 8 Years. During that time I have been a member of most committees of council and served as liaisons to most commissions of the city. I currently serve as Chair of the Ways and Means Committee and serve as liaison to the Economic Development Committee, the Civil Service Commission, the Environmental Awareness Board, and the Tax Incentive Review Committee. I possess a Juris Doctor law degree from Salmon P. Chase College of Law.
Answer from Charles H. Johnson:
I am a voting resident of Forest Part. I majored in Social Studies and Political Science as an undergraduate. I have served on the City Council since 1998 and that includes services on every chartered Standing Committee. Prior to being elected to city council, I served as a volunteer on many of the Boards/Commissions for the city.
Answer from Matthew J. Robinson:
I am dedicated to serving the citizens of Forest Park.
Answer from Sheila J. Cottle:
Owner/33 years-Healthcare Consulting/Case Management Co/Disability Specialist/Certified Life Care Planner
42 year resident-Forest Park, Business Owner, Board Member and Member of Forest Park Chamber of Commerce, Family oriented-married 42 years/Barry, 2 sons, B.J. and Steven. 42 year career as a Licensed Registered Nurse as Nurse Manager/Team Member-State Agency/working with Employers. 15 years Volunteerism-Winton Woods Schools PTA/Roomparent. Served as Board Member-President, local/state Rehabilitation Professional Organizations, Past President/Ohio Chapter International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Served as Board Member Local Chapter/Case Management Society of America.
2. What services do you believe should be considered basic and essential for the City?
Answer from Diana J. Herbe:
The primary issue currently is fiscal stability. It drives everything within the city -- maintaining services like police protection and fire safety and paramedic services, maintenance of roads, economic incentives to retain and recruit business in the city, and more.
Answer from Matthew J. Robinson:
Fire department, E.M.T, Police Department, and our city leadership.
Answer from Charles H. Johnson:
Police, Fire, Public Works and the major essentials, but others like Parks and Recreation, Beautification, Environmental Awareness, etc are also necessary to ensure that our citizens are provided a full and well-rounded life.
Answer from Regina A. Collins:
I believe that the Fire Department, Police Department and City Maintenance Department are basic and essential for the City of Forest Park.
Answer from Sheila J. Cottle:
There are three areas of importance to me that have motivated me to run for Forest Park City Council. All have to do with keeping and improving our "Quality of Life" here in Forest Park. 1.) Protecting Our Community Property Values, 2.) Maintaining a Safe Family Oriented Community, 3.) Expanding our partnership among Forest Park City Government, Forest Park Businesses and Winton Woods School District in order to guarantee successful outcomes for all of our children in our Community.
3. How would you balance the City Budget?
Answer from Sheila J. Cottle:
It is important to have a 10 year, 5 year, and annual Budget plan. As a City of Forest Park Council Member for the past 7 years, I have served on the Ways & Means Committee as well as other Committees to ensure a balanced City budget. As we are well aware of the current recession, the City of Forest Park Council has worked to maintain an effect budget to provide the services our residents have been accustom to in our great city. It is important to now determine what services are important to our residents, since the City of Forest Park has been impacted by business closures, home foreclosures and unemployed residents.
Answer from Charles H. Johnson:
Estimate the projected revenues based of the financial information provided from oru revenue sources and match the projected expenditures to those revenues. If, during the coures of the fiscal year, it is determined that expenditures are exceeding or may exceed the actual revenues, adjustment are made in spending. This can be done by reviewing the budget status of each department and each line item in the budget. There are always areas that will be "under its budget". This allows "room" for transferring or shifting revenues to areas that might be near budget limits. Sometime it might be necessary to reduce projected spending by eliminating or postponing purchases or services. Adjusting and/or seeking revenue sources could become necessary.
Answer from Regina A. Collins:
I would use political diplomacy to increase our tax base by assisting Forest Park commercial land owners and Lessors of empty parcels to fill those parcels with thriving businesses employing Forest Park Residents.
Answer from Matthew J. Robinson:
I would you balance the City Budget by deciding on which areas we can save the most, then use funds on what are priorities. I would encourage the city government to apply for state and federal aid.
Answer from Diana J. Herbe:
The city must match expenditures to anticipated revenues. For the past several years we have worked hard to maintain a structurally balanced budget. But the city is reaching a point where expenditures are exceeding revenues. We have a choice to either reduce services or seek additional revenues. A choice will have to be made soon about which path we will take. We on Council are currently in discussion about how to address this issue.
4. Citizen engagement is important to the health of local government. In what ways do you support citizen engagement?
Answer from Regina A. Collins:
I would ensure that all Council Members perform their duties by giving detailed reports from all of their assigned standing committees,and additional committees on which they preside or voluntarily attend or observe. This would ensure that the citizens of Forest Park especially the ones who give public comments at the Council meetings are informed of what actions the committees are taking that affect our city. This would encourage positive citizen engagement.
Answer from Matthew J. Robinson:
One way I support citizen engagement is keeping citizens informed of what is happening in city government by using various forms of media. Another way I support citizen engagement is to directly communicate with citizens at council meetings.
Answer from Charles H. Johnson:
In Forest Park, we recognize the value of volunteers. The city actively seek out citizens who are willing to serve on our many committes and commissions where they are encouraged to give vital input for the direction of the committee/commission thus the direction for the city. We also devote a section of the agenda of all council meetings for comments from the public. As a member of Council, I regularly make myself available at the Senior Center to hear the concerns of our citizens.
Answer from Diana J. Herbe:
The Charter of the City of Forest Park calls for citizen engagement on commissions which meet to advise Council on a variety of areas of city government. We actively work to recruit citizens to fill vacancies on those commissions. By law, council meetings, work sessions, committee meetings and commission meetings are all open to the public and citizens are welcome to attend any of those meetings.
Answer from Sheila J. Cottle:
I am a member of several of the City of Forest Park organizations such as Block Watch, Citizens on Patrol and have the opportunity to listen to the Citizens input and concerns. I am available to the citizens of our great City when I am in the community shopping, walking or eating at our establishments. I am dedicated to the City of Forest Park where I have lived and worked for over 40 years.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits may apply. See individual questions for specific word limits. Direct references to opponents are not permitted. Please edit your work before submitting. We are unable to provide spell-check at this time.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.