The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of the Cincinnati Area and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Building Consensus,
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What are your qualifications for office?
Answer from Jessica Miranda:
Being a business owner for the last 10 years has allowed me to constantly improve and grow as a professional woman. I am equipped to deal with difficult issues and solve complex problems. I am committed to the feedback from my community in order to improve our district. I have been in this community for over 20 years, my grandparents resided in Springfield Township and I am a homeowner & business owner in Forest Park. I have 2 young children in the district & my oldest attends Winton Woods Primary South. I am a part of this community and I care.
Answer from Cindy Emmert:
I am an advocate for public education and feel every student can achieve to their highest abilities with the right tools, teachers,and support. I lived and worked in the district my whole life, so I feel I have vested interest in our schools success.
Answer from Viola E. Johnson:
I am an educator with over 30 years in teaching and administrative roles with 23 of those years spent in higher education at a technical and community college. My area of expertise has been in business education, educational leadership, career development, co-op coordination, and curriculum development. I have successfully navigated through the Ohio Board of Regents and the State Department of Education, Division of Vocational Education and the Higher Learning Commission criteria to develop course documents and course curricula. I have a B.S. in Business Education, a M.A. in PM/Deaf Studies, and a Doctorate in Education. I am active as a youth mentor and community volunteer with a focus on academic quality, performance standards, and encouraging an attitude for excellence.
2. What can be done to improve your school district's results at current funding levels?
Answer from Cindy Emmert:
3 years ago, the Board had to make some hard decisions and we cut over $3.5 million from the budget. This has helped stabilize our finances and not have to return to the voters for additional funds.
Hiring an experienced and well respected treasurer, Mr. Randy Seymour to oversee our funds.
Voting in agreement to participate in an health care consortium to save funds.
Answer from Jessica Miranda:
I would investigate the high administrative costs and request the completion of a financial audit to determine the appropriate budget assessment. I would direct funds back into the classroom. Our district must create a balance for a district our size. I would also activate strong community partnerships to give community members a role in the advancement of our students and in our district.
Answer from Viola E. Johnson:
There should be an expectation that the district be responsible fiscal agents which advocates for all students in preparation for an education that prepares them for transition to college. Research the academic best practices and create curriculum enhancements to improve student performance across the district (PreK-12). Conducted an audit on the finances to ensure that the most effective strategies are being employed with administrative cost operating efficiently and that monies are being used effectively.
3. What will you do to build consensus in the community in support of your school district?
Answer from Cindy Emmert:
I'm open to frank conversations about the district. Communications is a 2 way street, and I'll talk to anyone who has questions or concerns.
Answer from Jessica Miranda:
I would have open transparent communications to our community stake holders and parents. To not only showcase the district's accomplishments but also areas we are in need of community and parental support. Using the assets of the district to bring the community in - all hands in together so we can all share our time, services, or opinions on how to advance our district and students on the path of progress.
Answer from Viola E. Johnson:
Invite community partners to assist with volunteer opportunities in the schools to provide services (i.e. tutoring, underwriting from businesses, after school care, and internships). Offer community service opportunities for the students within and outside of the community/neighborhood to assist the students in becoming active and involved.
4. What would you do to advance the concept of "equity in education" in your district?
Answer from Cindy Emmert:
No excuses accepted for poor performances. All students are entitled to an educations that challenges them and has them ready for life's choices after high school.
Answer from Viola E. Johnson:
Create an atmosphere that empowers students to pursue life-long academic and career goals through proper student assessment which instills a sense of pride and recognition. Support diverse learning styles (cognitive, experiential, and behavioral): the restructuring of the classroom with the understanding and consideration of the social and culture of the students within the classroom giving the student an opportunity to participate and increase their ability to learn. The sociocultural approach suggest that if teachers recognize the body of knowledge and experiences that the students bring into the classroom, and incorporate them into the learning process then every student can encounter success in the classroom through open participation which connects the student to the information.
Answer from Jessica Miranda:
I will be a student focused board member who listens and acts upon community and parental feedback. I believe in the advancement and achievement for ALL students because EVERY child has the capability to learn. We must maintain competitive edge by ensuring a wide curriculum that includes general education, honors & AP courses. As well as improving our students with disabilities & ESL programs proactively and advocating for these students with a stronger focus on teacher comprehension and strengthening parental involvement. I will ensure that our schools serve the learning needs of ALL students in our community and challenge students at ALL levels. I will be a proactive board member opposed to reactive because our community and our children deserve the best public education their community has to offer.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' statements are presented as submitted. Word limits may apply. See individual questions for specific word limits. Direct references to opponents are not permitted. Please edit your work before submitting. We are unable to provide spell-check at this time.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.