The questions were prepared by the League of Women Voters of Los Angeles and asked of all candidates for this office.
See below for questions on
Charter School Program,
iPad Purchases
Click on a name for candidate information. See also more information about this contest.
1. What is your opinion of LAUSD's charter school program, how do you evaluate its success or failure and should it be encouraged or restricted?
Answer from Sherlett Hendy Newbill:
Parents and children have the right to choose the best learning environment for academic success. Our leadership needs to be responsive to the community. But our District must hold Charter Schools to the same admission, academic, and accountability standards that all our traditional public schools abide by.
Answer from Hattie B. McFrazier:
I am a strong proponent of traditional public schools. The LAUSD charter school program should not be compared to traditional LAUSD public schools because of mixed results in performance data. Charter schools are schools of choice and enjoy greater autonomy in exchange for accountability. Charters schools sometimes have restricted admission policies; such as not being required to admit Special Education Students. Some charter schools have less adequate facilities and other vital resources due to differences in levels of funding. Lastly, I evaluate the success or failure of LAUSD's charter school program based on its performance data, attendance, retention and graduation rates. I also think that LAUSD's charter school program should be limited to a certain extent, but not totally restricted.
Answer from George McKenna:
Charter schools are legal entities and as all public schools should be held accountable for their performance by the local school district's governing board, based on the same measurable standards. Effective schools will attract and retain parents and students including charters or regular public schools. School board members should hold the superintendent and staff accountable for the support and oversight of all schools
2. What is your opinion of LAUSD's authorization to purchase iPads for students to use at school and at home? Would you support continuation of the program?
Answer from Sherlett Hendy Newbill:
Before our School Board Members make a decision about expanding the iPad roll out, they need to learn the needs of local schools in order to make an informed decision that puts our students' interests first. Our School Board Members need to decide if the iPad is the right tool for our students, as some students learn better from books. The iPad funds would be better spent on school infrastructure repair, considering that LAUSD has hundreds of buildings that need retrofitting to survive earthquakes.
Answer from Hattie B. McFrazier:
Preparing students to become globally competitive in a technological age is crucial; however, the $1 billion dollar plan to purchase ipads was not the best decision because there were other major budget priorities that had been approved, such as refurbishing aging facilities and classrooms, and reducing class sizes. I think that it would have been more efficient and effective to upgrade the current computers in the classrooms; as well as providing smartboard technology in all classrooms.
Answer from George McKenna:
The distribution of iPads should also be accompanied by specific and measurable objectives that identify desired student achievement outcomes within designated timelines. As technology is constantly changing rendering current equipment "obsolete" in a few years, the on-going expectation that students will continue to receive district issued equipment may be unrealistic and must be considered in future deliberations. Teacher effectiveness in the use of technology to instruct students is crucial and must be a part of the overall plan.
Responses to questions asked of each candidate
are reproduced as submitted to the League.
Candidates' answers are presented as submitted.
The order of the candidates is random and changes daily. Candidates who did not respond are not listed on this page.